Sometimes it happens that inscriptions, rhinestones and appliques on clothes lose their attractiveness, and the thing itself still looks like new. In order not to part with your favorite piece of clothing, you can try to remove the existing decor from the item.
Over time, even the finest prints and stickers can deteriorate, crack, or come off at the edges. In this case, you can try to remove them without leaving a trace or replace them with another thermal sticker.
All applied prints can be conditionally divided into groups: factory and homemade.
Homemade are:
- applications or thermal labels,
- marker inscriptions,
- stripes or chevrons,
- silkscreen printing.
Applications are usually applied thermally. They can be simply peeled off or scraped off, but it is more correct to remove them with an iron and napkins. Take a few sheets of plain white paper. Place one sheet directly under the applique, from the inside out, the second on the print itself, from above. Carefully move the heated iron along the surface of the applique, while trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the pattern, so as not to stain the fabric. Over time, the old sticker will stick to the paper. You need to iron until the entire application is transferred to the sheet.
The fabric with the applique can also be heated with a hairdryer, if for some reason it is impossible to iron the thing (for example, white cotton turns yellow from high temperature). Carefully remove the well-heated applique from the product with a napkin until the print completely disappears. However, the imprint will still remain, the place of application will shine.
Rubber stickers are easy to remove: just turn the T-shirt inside out and heat the sticker with an iron through gauze. Remove it while the glue is hot.
Thermal printing on a T-shirt or T-shirt can be removed with alcohol. To do this, put something solid under the thing, moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and erase the image.
Attention! Do not rub the drawing, do not smear it, but rather brush it off.
The place with the decor can simply be thoroughly soaked with alcohol and, without allowing the alcohol to dry, quickly wash with powder. This method is suitable for translators that do not adhere well to fabric.
Acetone, alcohol, solvent – they can be used to remove letters made with a special marker or paint at home. The first time, of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to erase the decor, so repeat the cleaning procedure many times, washing the T-shirt after each stage of work. Keep in mind that with this treatment the colors on the T-shirt will fade, be ready to restore the former look with a new sticker or lettering.
It is impossible to use such aggressive means on synthetics, otherwise there will be a hole in the place of the beautiful inscription.
Remember the popular rule that will help save you time: drawings applied with an alcohol-based marker should be reduced with alcohol, if oil-based paint – with vegetable oil.
After the application is removed, stains may remain. If they are greasy stains, remove them with vegetable oil. Dampen a swab, apply oil to the stain, then wash with regular powder. Dish detergent also helps to remove stains: apply it to the fabric, leave it for an hour, and then wash the clothes.
Window cleaners and even car shampoos can be used in place of dishwashing detergent.
With the help of napkins, an iron or a hair dryer, they remove shiny marks that remain after rhinestones and sequins. The glue will come off the fabric and under the influence of vegetable oil, acetone or alcohol. It is recommended to first check whether the substance will damage the fabric.
In the pharmacy, you can buy a remedy called “Dimexid”, it also copes well with traces of glue, including those left after removed inscriptions, applications and rhinestones.
By the way
The most persistent stains on white clothes are not from applications, or even from fat, berries or tea. And from sweat. It is not so easy to remove red marks under the armpits. But if it’s a pity to part with your favorite thing, then you should try – how to remove sweat stains from a white shirt or T-shirt, read HERE.