How do I reduce the damage my hair dye can cause?
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Hair coloring has been one of the most popular beauty and styling treatments for years. In a quick and relatively inexpensive way (depending on how we dye them), hair dye allows you to change our style or even appearance. This is the perfect way to experiment with color and find the shade that works best for you. In addition, many women use hair dyes to hide gray hair. Unfortunately, it happens that even the best paint without ammonia and other less invasive ingredients can damage the hair if it is not applied properly. Find out how to prevent this from happening.

How to dye your hair?

Many people say that the only way to avoid damage or destruction of our hair while dyeing is to visit a professional hairdressing salon. Unfortunately, this is often associated with high costs of the procedure, as well as long waiting times. Hair dye, which we can buy at every drugstore, is, on the other hand, a relatively quick and safe way to change the color, which we can make at home, at the most convenient moment for us. Currently, there are more and more hair dyes and coloring creams on our market that do not contain harmful ammonia and other chemicals that can damage not only our hair, but also irritate the scalp, e.g. contribute to the occurrence of dandruff or even increased dandruff. hair loss.

Remember, however, that not all styling treatments can be a good solution to do yourself at home. If you do not have experience in lightening or perming, do not risk and put yourself in the hands of professionals who will take care of your hair in a proper way. Sometimes even a small mistake on your part can cause us to permanently damage our hair.

Hair damage caused by dyeing – how to avoid them?

Hair dye and its own application at home is still a great and relatively simple treatment, provided that we follow the instructions attached to the product and properly prepare our hair for the treatment itself. Self-dyeing your hair is perfect when you want to gently darken your hair or change its color to a natural one. It is also a good solution when we want to cover the roots relatively quickly.

Take care of the condition of your hair before the treatment

The condition of our hair has a great influence on how the dyeing process will proceed and how the strands will look after the treatment. Nourished and moisturized hair is much less susceptible to both harmful external factors and the ingredients that a hair dye may contain. To do this, regularly moisturize and nourish your hair with products that are tailored to the needs of your hair. If they require regeneration before dyeing, introduce an intensely nourishing mask into their care.

Also, take care of the ends – they are very susceptible to damage, and after dyeing, they may start to crumble and split. To prevent this, you should regularly protect them with an appropriate hair serum or natural oil with plant extracts. Another effective way is to limit the use of treatments that can additionally weaken your hair – frequent straightening, using a curling iron or drying hair with hot air can dry it out and make it more susceptible to damage caused by hair dye.

Follow the instructions

Many mistakes during dyeing and the resulting damage to the hair are caused by failure to follow the recommendations contained in the instructions. The amount of time the hair dye is to stay on is especially important. If we measure the time incorrectly or the pigment remains on our strands for too long, the color will not only be too dark, but we can also cause very large damage to the hair structure.

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