How do I know if my stomach is suffering? Here are signs that he is calling for help

Many people struggle with stomach diseases. They are quite insidious – most often they do not manifest themselves with unequivocal symptoms or do not give them at all. For this reason, immediate changes in the diet or the implementation of a specific treatment may prove to be significantly difficult. However, sometimes you may notice some symptoms that your stomach is suffering from. See what to look for to avoid unpleasant developments.

When talking about stomach ailments, stomach cancer comes to mind first, and is considered one of the most deadly cancers. However, struggling with unpleasant ailments from the digestive system does not always indicate cancer. The stomach is a sensitive organ that often becomes ill. Check what symptoms indicate that your stomach is suffering. Noticing the problem early will allow you to implement the correct steps and enjoy health without worrying about a malfunctioning organ.

The most common diseases of the stomach – causes

Peptic ulcer is one of the most frequently diagnosed gastric ailments. As a result, there are cavities in the mucosa, which are surrounded by inflammation. The cause of ailments is relatively often the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, but it is not the only cause of peptic ulcer disease.

  1. Buy a quick home test for Helicobacter pylori

The stomach can also suffer from the constant intake of drugs with triple action: analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. I am talking about NSAIDs, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Other causes of stomach problems may be:

  1. chronic stress,
  2. incorrect diet,
  3. eating habits (such as eating very spicy food too often)
  4. the use of stimulants – cigarettes and high-percentage drinks. 

Another example of a disease your stomach may suffer from is gastritis, or gastritis. Unfortunately, the ailment often does not give clear symptoms, so gastritis may develop unnoticed. Failure to treat it can lead to dangerous consequences – atrophy of the mucosa, ulcer formation or even stomach cancer. Common causes of gastritis include: excessive alcohol use, taking NSAIDs, autoimmune diseases or bacteria (most often Helicobacter pylori).

Neoplastic diseases are a diagnosis that every patient of the gastroenterologist is afraid of, so frequent feelings of ailments indicating that your stomach is in pain often direct your thoughts towards the worst scenario. According to statistics, about 5 people are diagnosed with stomach cancer each year. people. The disease develops for many years, and its causes include genetic conditions, improper nutrition, a tendency to stimulants, obesity and the aforementioned Helicobacter pylori infection. Most often, the diagnosis of gastric cancer occurs at an advanced stage of the disease, which significantly hinders the treatment process and worsens the prognosis.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have disturbing symptoms. You can also do a home test kit for stomach problems, which you can buy for PLN 41 at Remember to consult the result with a specialist!

Further part below the video.

Symptoms of stomach diseases that you need to pay attention to

A sick stomach may or may not manifest itself in many different ways. Some of the symptoms of a distressed stomach may be so subtle or unusual that they are easy to overlook or justify.

The characteristic symptoms that may indicate a stomach disease include:

  1. indigestion, also known as dyspepsia;
  2. epigastric pain – constant or appearing, for example, shortly after eating a meal;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. heartburn – a nagging burning sensation in the esophagus;
  5. flatulence;
  6. belching;
  7. weight loss;
  8. frequent diarrhea;
  9. nausea;
  10. vomiting. 
Do you have stomach problems?

Try a special tea for your stomach – it’s mint, caraway and chamomile tea

Tests to be done when your stomach hurts

If you notice any disturbing symptoms that may indicate a stomach disease, do not hesitate. Diagnosing the problem early can prove crucial in treatment and recovery. First of all, it is worth going to a GP who will decide what tests should be performed after a general examination. If it turns out to be necessary, he will issue a referral to a specialist – most often it is a gastroenterologist.

  1. Do you want to take care of yourself? Try the stomach set – check the offer

In many cases, gastroscopy is necessary to diagnose or rule out suspicions. During the examination, which involves inserting a tube with an endoscope into the esophagus, the doctor assesses whether there are inflammatory changes, what the mucosa looks like, and whether there are ulcers, erosions or tumors. During gastroscopy, it is possible to take a sample, i.e. a histopathological examination, in which it is possible, inter alia, to assessing whether cancer cells are present.

A less invasive test to check if a patient is infected with Helicobacter pylori is a stool test. The patient also gets the exact result after performing the gastroscopy.

How are stomach diseases treated?

Depending on the disease from which the stomach suffers, the treatment will be different. Sometimes unpleasant ailments may disappear if the triggering factor, such as alcohol consumption or the abuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is eliminated. Unfortunately, the situation is not always that simple. Most often, it is necessary to apply conservative treatment and implement major changes in everyday nutrition. It is also often required to take specific drugs aimed at reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

In a situation where diagnostic tests have confirmed the suspicion of gastric cancer, it may be necessary to remove the tumor, which in the case of an early stage of the disease can be resected endoscopically. Unfortunately, according to statistics, the diagnosis of gastric cancer usually occurs in a very advanced stage. Then it may be necessary to remove the stomach surgically, and then undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Some tumors are not eligible for complete removal. Unresectable cancer cases can be treated with palliative chemotherapy to extend the life of the sick person.

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