How do I know if my child has dyslexia?

What is dyslexia

This specific disorder in learning to read and write affects 8 to 10% of children, and mainly boys. (3 times more than girls). Thanks to the studies carried out, scientists today know that dyslexia is formed during brain development during fetal life. A genetic cause is privileged. And in 60% of cases there is a family history.

To qualify as dyslexic, a child must be normally intelligent, not present sensory and perceptual disorders (hearing, sight) or psychological (personality disorders, communication). ” The true dyslexic does not present any associated disorders (laterality, perception …) in addition to his reading and spelling difficulties », Specifies Christelle Achaintre, speech therapist.

Dyslexic, the child has a significant gap in reading and spelling performance compared to the age norm. In practice, this is a difference in the level of learning to read of 2 years. Before, we talk about written language disorders.

 These difficulties are therefore long-lasting and should not be confused with a simple delay in acquisition due to a blockage or poor learning. So beware of language abuse, dyslexia is a specific disorder that is not limited to a problem of laterality or poor pronunciation …

The first signs of dyslexia

At 3 years old, if your baby has a disturbance in attention, oral language, concentration, organization of space and time, ask for a neuropsychological assessment. In 30 to 50% of cases, the child presents an oral language disorder before being old enough to learn to read: the sounds are poorly reproduced, the sentences poorly constructed… But do not draw hasty conclusions: a speech disorder in babies does not necessarily lead to dyslexia.

“Slowness, phonetic errors (in sound) in reading and writing. Stagnates at the stage of deciphering ”, such will perhaps be the observations of the teacher during the year of the preparatory course.

Indeed, it is at CP that the difficulties encountered by the child will be obvious. Learning to read, which requires recognizing the phonetic structure of words and memorizing them, is difficult, if not impossible for him. His reading level being lower than his intellectual capacities, comprehension is also often limited. As a result, the young schoolboy shuns books.

Recognize your disorder

Uncomfortable in class, unfairly viewed as lazy or distracted, your child may present with emotional disturbances such as anxiety or a feeling of shame. Marianne, mother of Adrien, student in CM1, confirms “ this type of disorder isolates him and makes him take on the role of suffering pain, he has difficulty in being respected and understood. He is often the target of mockery during recess, where some children mimic him reading or stumble on the way to write such or such a word … Indeed, children of his age consider that performing orally , there is no valid reason that would explain the persistent problems in writing, and reading … »

In some cases, the young person can even manage to hide their disorder by putting in place many personal strategies. It is therefore only later, when he will no longer manage to overcome his difficulties, that the diagnosis will be made.

The speech therapist’s assessment

The speech therapist gives the child a series of tests to assess the speed and quality of reading and spelling, the underlying cognitive skills (memorization, phonological awareness, etc.). Its diagnosis makes it possible to know whether it is a specific neuro-developmental disorder (dyslexia, etc.) or a learning delay. Dyslexia is often accompanied by other disorders such as dysorthography. These affect children who are slower in performing different tasks and tire more quickly. They often have low self-esteem. 

Dyslexia and rehabilitation

Screening and diagnosis are essential steps in setting up an appropriate rehabilitation.

Provided with the child’s health record, we do not hesitate, in case of doubt, to go to a medical center. An initial consultation, in general, medical and speech therapy willassess the importance of the disorders and determine the assessments and examinations necessary for a diagnosis.

We should be patient, because this diagnosis cannot be made before CE2, since the toddler’s difficulties must be lasting and a two-year lag must be observed in terms of his performance in relation to his age to talk about dyslexia. .

Depending on the severity of the disorders, more or less thorough assessments will have to be carried out with other health professionals: psychologist, pediatric neurologist, psychomotor therapist. Once the exams have been carried out, rehabilitative care will be offered. Its nature, its multidisciplinarity (psychomotricity, occupational therapy, etc.) and its frequency will depend on the child’s difficulties. Certain treatments (psychomotricity, occupational therapy) are only reimbursed by social security if they are carried out in specialized centers: early medico-social action centers (CAMSP) or medical-psycho-pedagogical center (CMPP).

Babies at the ortho …

From the first signs, from 3 years old, an early speech therapy, based on the game, will allow your little one to better master his oral language by strengthening his skills and also avoiding the rejection of learning to read afterwards . 

Treatment of dyslexia: speech therapist

Once the precise diagnosis has been made, the specialist’s priority will be to work on his “phonological awareness” so that the little patient can juggle the sounds heard, said and read. It will also help him to use his visual memory to make reading more fluid and give him “tips” to overcome his bad spelling, approach a text with better comprehension and create automatisms. ” The content of the sessions and the techniques used vary according to the personality, age, experience, motivation and investment of the child and of course the specialist. », Specifies C. Achaintre. At the same time, teaching aids and support are possible at school. For more marked disorders, a specialized class is sometimes considered.

If the speech therapist does not take the initiative, we can ask the school director to organize an educational meeting with teachers, school doctor and health professionals involved in rehabilitation. Together, you will set up an individual adaptation school project (PISA). For older children, it may consist, among other things, in a loan of computer equipment.

« The exchange between the speech therapist and the school teacher is essential “, Assures the speech therapist before adding” the latter must adapt his requirements to what the child has mastered “. Detailed medical certificates will also make it possible to educate teachers, to authenticate the young person’s difficulty and to obtain a third of additional time for checks.

The adaptation of the dyslexic child

How long will it take for rehabilitation to bear fruit? The evolution of the handicap depends on several factors: the intensity of the disorder, the precocity of the screening, the regularity and the intensity of the rehabilitation, the psychological development of the child and the possible supports at school and in the family. Parents also have a role to play. “They must be reassuring and allow more time for daily tasks: getting dressed, packing … Better to give only one piece of information at a time and provide the child with visual cues with a calendar, for example, because he has difficulty locating himself in time and space, ”advises Isabelle Charles. Extracurricular activities (music, sport, theater, etc.) will also help them regain confidence in their abilities.

We can also be brought to have to fight  to defend their disability and avoid any unnecessary decisions, such as repeating a year or placing them prematurely in a special structure. ” Dyslexics are smart people. They must be given the opportunity to stay as long as possible in the traditional school curriculum », Considers C. Achaintre. And thehe school path is certainly more complicated for a dyslexic child. But thanks to the adapted care, possibly necessary according to the degree of his dyslexia, a traditional schooling and higher studies are now accessible!

And who knows, your little one might follow in the footsteps of famous dyslexics like Einstein or Leonardo da Vinci….

Associations at our disposal:

To read

“Les dyslexies” by Anne Van Hout and Françoise Estienne. Masson editions

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