How do I know if my body is developing cancer? Four early symptoms
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We live in a time of cancer epidemics. And while medicine is moving forward, early detection of lesions is still a key factor in the success of treatment. The question here is, what are the first symptoms of cancer? How do I know if my body is developing cancer? Doctors alert you to a few early symptoms. If you notice them, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

  1. Although cancer is one of the leading causes of death among Poles, we are still not aware of their early symptoms
  2. The list of those that may indicate cancer is developing in the body include, among others flatulence or sudden weight loss
  3. All these symptoms may also indicate other ailments, but to rule out cancer, consult a specialist
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is neoplastic disease?

Cancer is a very complex disease that can affect many different systems of the body. Its essence is the uncontrolled growth of cells. What is it exactly about? This is perfectly explained by the Alivia Foundation supporting people with cancer.

«Cells that should normally grow, divide and die, bypass this last stage and continue to grow, dividing and then developing into a cancerous tumor. This, in turn, can disrupt the work of the digestive, nervous and even circulatory systems, and by producing various substances (hormones, toxins and others), disrupt the work of the whole organism »- we read on the website of the organization.

How do you recognize early when your body is developing cancer? Unfortunately, the onset of cancer development is often asymptomatic or symptoms are minor. What’s more, ailments can also be non-specific, so we often put them down to old age, exhaustion or banal infection. Doctors, however, pay attention to several symptoms that may indicate an early neoplastic process. If you notice them, consult a specialist as soon as possible.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Early signs of cancer: blood on toilet paper

A signal that cannot be ignored is blood in the toilet bowl, on toilet paper or underwear, indicating rectal bleeding. There are several possible causes of the problem, ranging from hemorrhoids to colon or rectal cancer. Experts remind you that this symptom should always be reported to the doctor. And as soon as possible.

  1. See what remedies for hemorrhoids you can buy on Medonet Market.

Early signs of cancer: Unusual vaginal bleeding

In postmenopausal women, even the slightest spotting or bleeding from the genital tract should be an alarm signal prompting a visit to the gynecologist. The same applies to women of childbearing age who have bleeding between periods or have heavy or prolonged menstrual cycles. The causes may be minor, but it is possible that it is, for example, developing endometrial cancer.

Early signs of cancer: flatulence

The symptoms of ovarian cancer may be unclear. They can be easily overlooked or attributed to, for example, digestive problems. However, if you experience bloating, pain, or pressure (in the area between the pubic bone and chest) that lasts more than two weeks, don’t delay visiting your gynecologist.

In the case of flatulence not related to cancer, reach for Na flatulence – Herbapol herbal and fruit tea in Krakow.

Early symptoms of cancer: uncontrolled weight loss

Uncontrolled weight loss and the accompanying weakness may also indicate an ongoing cancer process. Such symptoms are associated especially with leukemia, lymphomas, tumors of the esophagus, liver, colon and pancreas.

Involuntary weight loss occurs when cancer takes control of your metabolism, using your body’s energy sources to fuel its growth. «Difficult to explain weight loss of more than 10% within a few weeks it is an indication for a visit to the doctor »- reminds the oncology portal

Check if you are at risk of cancer!

Buy a kit of diagnostic tests:

  1. oncology package for women
  2. oncology package for men

Other early signs of cancer – remember!

The above list is not intended to be exhaustive of the symptoms that cancer may present in an early stage. The developing disease may also be evidenced by, inter alia, (for

  1. Unexplained long-term fever (haematological malignancies)
  2. Enlarged lymph nodes, especially if the lesion lasts more than three weeks
  3. Changes to the skin or mucous membranes of the lips, mouth, genitals, especially if they persist for more than two weeks
  4. A persistent cough that lasts unnaturally for a long time
  5. Fresh blood or mucus in the stool, alternating constipation and diarrhea
  6. Difficulty swallowing (suspected cancer of the throat, larynx, esophagus)
  7. Recurrent headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increasing sleepiness (suspected brain tumor).

Some tumors grow without giving any signals. That is why regular examinations are so important in the prevention of cancer.

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