How do I clean my ears?

How to clean earwax so as not to harm yourself? A natural physiological phenomenon is the accumulation of earwax in the ears. It is a natural protective measure produced by our body. How do I safely remove it? How to clean the ears so as not to harm?


Earwax is a natural product produced by our body that comes out of the ears. It has a special task, namely to protect the skin of the ear canal and the eardrum. It is a mixture of the secretions of the sebaceous and wax glands and fragments of the exfoliated epidermis lining the ear canal. Earwax comes in a variety of shades and textures. From light yellow, honey-colored to brown. It can be sticky, runny, dry, lumpy. Earwax is produced to protect the ears against dirt and dust, so that they do not reach too far into the ear canal. Earwax also has antibacterial properties, which is a sign that the ears are largely self-cleaning. Therefore, earwax should not be removed unnecessarily and excessively cleaned of the ears, since it has protective properties.

How do I clean my ears?

Ear hygiene and cleaning should be limited to washing them with warm water and soap. And that’s just the outer part of the ears, that is, the auricle. However, if there is too much earwax, it should be removed so that it does not clog the ears by going too far into the ear canal. You may then have a feeling of clogged ears, stinging, tinnitus, full ear, stinging. You can use cotton buds to clean your ears. However, do not put the sticks too deep into your ears, removing too much earwax causes its overproduction. If the ear buds are inserted too deeply, they can also push the earwax deeper into the ear, thereby clogging it. When using a cotton swab when cleaning, do it very slowly, gently, preferably with a stick with a thickened tip, we will make sure that you do not insert the stick too deeply.

What to do in the event of a blocked ear?

Be very careful when cleaning your ears. There may be times when your body produces too much earwax if you insert the swab too deep when cleaning your ears. In this situation, you can try to remove the plug from the ear yourself, using paraffin, available at a pharmacy. It is enough to warm it up to body temperature and put a few drops into the ear, and then let it flow freely from the ear. To clean the ears, you can also freely use special sprays available in pharmacies without a prescription. There is a wide range of preparations available on the market, just spray the spray into the ear and let the earwax flow out.

If there is a situation in which we are unable to cope with the removal of the plug formed in the ear, please seek help from an ENT specialist. The doctor will rinse the ear. It is recommended to rinse the ear with liquid paraffin a few days before the visit to the ENT specialist, thanks to the plug the plug formed in the ear will be slightly softened, making it easier to remove during a visit to the ENT specialist.

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