How do I choose the perfect formula?
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For breastfeeding mothers, the moment of switching to modified milk is difficult not only emotionally. They also need to choose the product that works best for their child. What to follow and what to consider when deciding on a specific product?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old. However, there are situations where breastfeeding is not possible or the mother does not have enough milk, and then she must decide to introduce modified milk.

Humanizing milk

The composition of the milk of different species of mammals is not the same. Therefore, the mother’s milk is most suitable for an infant. To create such a food, the milk of the animals has to be modified. To do this, reduce the amount of protein and change its composition to the proportion of human milk. The amount of unsaturated fats necessary for the proper development of a child also increases.

The content of potassium, sodium and chlorine is also adjusted to the baby’s needs. Cow’s milk is also enriched with vitamins A, E, D, C, minerals, incl. iron, iodine and prebiotics to support the child’s immunity. In this way, it is possible to create food that most closely resembles human milk, which the baby can absorb and thus develop properly.

How to choose?

Switching to formula milk is a difficult decision. It’s important to choose the right one. The composition of breast milk varies according to the age of the child. Therefore, infant milk producers have adapted their products to suit many babies. Number 1 is for milk for newborns, 2 – for infants after six months of age, 3 – for toddlers after the first year of life, and 4 – for children over two years of age.

Among the modified milks, there are also those that respond to the needs of children with health problems, e.g. those with allergies, for children who suffer from excessive rainfall and suffering from colic, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.

Only the highest quality

When choosing milk for a baby, it is worth buying a product from a reputable manufacturer with extensive experience. It is also important that the composition of the milk fully covers the needs of infants for all necessary nutrients. A well-balanced product must contain the right amount and quality of protein, properly selected fats, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, which support the development of the brain and nerve cells.

You also need carbohydrates – lactose and maltodextrins to meet the needs of a rapidly developing child. Prebiotic fiber is also important, supporting the development of the beneficial bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the most eagerly chosen milk products by mums are Humana products. For children over six months of age, a good choice is Humana 2 with the ProBalance formula in a modern, safe and convenient myHumana Pack.

Ingredients supporting development and immunity

Modified milk should also be enriched with fatty acids that are found in human milk. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) belongs to the group of essential omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Its primary source for an infant is mother’s milk. It plays an important role in the proper growth, development and proper functioning of the body, especially the brain, eyesight and cardiovascular system.

It is good if the composition of milk also contains vitamins A and C, which support the immune system of children. In addition, it should contain vitamins E, B6, B1, B2, B12, K1, D3, folic acid and a set of minerals necessary for the proper development, incl. potassium citrate, magnesium carbonate, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, potassium iodate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenate.

Ease and safety of preparation

Preparing a meal with powdered formula is not too complicated, but it requires focus. The packaging in which it is located is important. It must be safe and convenient to use. It should open and close easily ensuring proper product storage.

According to StreetCom’s opinion poll among mothers of babies, 91% of babies I have found myHumana Pack to be the best to use. 95 percent of them believe that it makes it easier to prepare food for a child, and 97% declares that thanks to him he can do it with one hand.

When choosing milk, it is also worth paying attention to its availability. Currently, the best solution is to be able to buy Humana products online, e.g. on Allegro. It’s good if the manufacturer also offers products for older children, so that you can easily change the milk to the right one when the baby grows up.

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