How do hospitals feed patients in other countries? Food is better than in Poland?

Legends have been circulating for years about what meals in Polish hospitals look like. The portions are small and their quality often leaves something to be desired. Currently, the National Health Fund is looking for an agency that will not improve the hospital menu, but its better image. We check whether Polish patients actually have worse nutrition than those in other countries.

  1. Doctors agree that wholesome meals play an important role in the recovery process
  2. At the same time, for years, Polish hospitals have been serving patients with food that often falls outside the standards of a healthy and wholesome meal.
  3. Hospital food doesn’t have to be bad at all. In other countries, meals look better
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Why is it so hard to find good food in Polish hospitals?

It’s no secret that food in Polish hospitals differs significantly from the accepted standards. A restaurant or even a milk bar that serves these meals would likely be in imminent bankruptcy.

  1. See also: Hospital food: not good, not enough, on plastic

In the case of hospital nutrition, however, the problem is even more serious – the elderly, sick and malnourished people often visit the centers. Nay. After surgery or surgery, wholesome meals accelerate convalescence. Thanks to them, the sick person gains strength and recovers faster. However, there is no need to count on a varied diet with an appropriate energy balance, which at the same time ensures an adequate supply of nutrients in Polish hospitals.

Very often, catering companies are not responsible for delivering meals to patients. These, in turn, often have contracts structured in such a way that their profit depends on some kind of thrift. The cheaper products are bought, the more such a company will earn. Hence, for example, butter substitutes or ingredients after the use by date, which appear in the hospital menu.

To make matters worse, a dietitian does not always watch over the meals served in the hospital. And if he has them under his control, it is limited mainly to the analysis of the menu. Without the possibility of checking the quality of the final meals.

The effect is that food in Polish hospitals does not have good PR. Rather rightly so.

Hospital food in other countries. We have something to envy them?

Most of the photos of the hospital menu in Poland show slips or slices of bread that are difficult to identify, with a bit of butter and low-quality sausage. Often the meal is served on plastic plates, accompanied by disposable cutlery.

A glance at hospital menus in other countries is enough to get the compelling impression that others do better. Finns even get a dessert for dinner – a traditional buttermilk bun.

In France, you can also get a pudding for dinner with potatoes seasoned with herbs.

In German hospitals, breakfasts are not only intimidating, but even encourage them to eat, and even to take a photo of them and publish them on social media.

For dinner in Germany you can get, for example, aromatic Indian dahl with lentils and curry. For this chocolate pudding and vanilla wafer.

And Ireland? Here, a lamb stew with potatoes can be waiting for hospital patients. For dessert, ice cream and jelly.

All these delicious dishes are nothing compared to meals served in Asia. Pictures of the really appetizing hospital menu come from, among others from Singapore or Japan. In the latter country, dinner for a mother after childbirth is a true cornucopia, with fish, tofu, soybeans, rice, salad, cooked vegetables and soup.

Looking at hospital food in other countries, it is impossible not to ask: is a PR agency really the best solution? Will it be possible to take equally delicious photos in Polish hospitals? No cheating in the graphics program?

Also read:

  1. How to feed the patient before and after surgery?
  2. Cancer patient’s diet
  3. Hospitals need kitchen revolutions
  4. Poles on a diet. What are we doing wrong? Explains the nutritionist

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