How do doctors and paramedics talk to each other? «With us it is a bit like in Patryk Vega’s films»

– So how do you talk to each other? – Oh Jesus, you don’t want to know … A lot of Latin, but backyard. The Polish «f ***», just like in Scorsese’s films, it rains heavily. – How many times a day? – I have never counted, but I will count … – says Michał, a 36-year-old surgeon, also known as a “phacologist”.

  1. We are one of the rough, rough and rough-hewn ones. We swear like shoemakers the 36-year-old surgeon said
  2. The language of the rescuers, in turn, is a conglomerate of profanity and Polish abbreviations in Polish
  3. With us it is a bit like in the films of Patryk Vega reveals a 58-year-old gynecologist
  4. What is the slang of doctors and paramedics? How do they communicate with each other?
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Educated and degenerate

He was one of the decent, cultured, cursing people since the big holiday, but he “celebrates” in the surgery ward every day. At the very beginning of his professional career, he heard from his colleagues: “if you want to stay with us, you have to learn to pee in the washbasin”. His disorientation was interrupted by a pictorial explanation: “after the fourth operation performed at night, you will be so flaccid that you will not go to the toilet.”

– Only you know, pissing in the sink is also an art. There are a few rules: first, you have to take out all the dishes, secondly, you have to pee so that it doesn’t stink. So we turn on the water and do not turn off the tap too early. You have to rinse everything off. And most importantly: you grab the blue handle: the water temperature must be low – says Michał, a 36-year-old surgeon.

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In his opinion, medical dialect is determined not so much by the profession as by the specialization. While dermatologists, ophthalmologists and pathologists are closer to linguistic purists, the treatment professionals simply do not stick around …

– We’re one of the rough, rough and rough-hewn ones. We approach our patients “organically”. We do not say, for example: “how does Iksiński, Nowak, Kowalski, etc. feel”, but: “how is the pancreas?”, “What about the liver?”. And we swear like shoemakers. If you listened to the outside, you’d probably think I’m a complete degenerate. On the other hand, it cannot be otherwise. If you do not distance yourself, you will burn out … I think that curses and profanity are a way for us to relieve the tension that is not lacking in the block. And so by throwing meat, we expel our emotions and it is easier for us.

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Michał’s words correspond with the results of previous research – profanity not only builds mutual trust and strengthens the “team spirit”, but … increases resistance to pain. Richard Stephens, a psychologist at Keele University in the UK, discovered more than a decade ago that by swearing and plunging your hand in icy water, you will last longer than uttering neutral words. However, the power of a rough tongue does not end with hypoalgesia (reduced pain sensation). Recent experiments by Richard Stephens’ team show that profanity can improve a test score Wingate (Ang. Wingate Anaerobic Test) assessing our anaerobic capacity.

Stretcher dictionary

Ludwik Wittgenstein, who is regarded as a genius in the philosophy of language, said that the limits of a language are the limits of its world. In the case of the rescue brothers, “ON” seems to be endless … Their sociolect is a conglomerate of profanity and English abbreviations such as “increase his pip”, which refer to the settings on the PEEP respirator. What else can we find in the dictionary of imaginative medics?

– A rescuer is simply a “stretcher”, after five years – an “elderly stretcher”, an ambulance driver – a “drawbar”, and the doctor in the S team is formally a “scholar”, informally a “running stamp”. The dispatcher is the “distributor” – if he swallows everything, that is, he forces us to “treat by driving” from the machine, he becomes a pelican. The ambulance itself is called variously – “taxi”, “carriage”, “shack” or “rally car”. When we go on a signal, we go “with honors”, “at the exit”, “on the bells”, “on the cito”. There are also places: “sorting”, that is HED, “mold factory” – ICU / ICU, “evening” or “potty” – night and holiday medical aid, “Houston”, “cheerful house” – a psychiatric hospital and “peasant’s house” , also known as “the house of a real man” – sobering-up station – comments Wojtek, a 30-year-old paramedic.

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Among the “toys”, that is in the ambulance resuscitation kit, we can find: “headphones” (stethoscope), “blower” or “ventilator”, used for shots: “defik”, “kick”, “microwave”, “toaster” , «Toaster» (defibrillator), «pacifier», «throat», «stick in the mouth» (oropharyngeal tube), «teflon», «spear», «needle» (cannula).

Siurosemide, brine, walker and flier

The names of the drugs filling the first aid kit of the “stretcher” often refer to their action. So we have “siurosemide” referring to the diuretic Furosemide, “midaśka” or “sennik” defining the Midanium hypnotic and “the lifeguard’s revenge”, alternatively called the “Baltic dream”, and referring to the duo Relanium and Furosemide neutralizing each patient. Besides, in the “taxi” there must be “tic-tocks” (Captopril), “rolls”, “R vitamins” (Relanium), “Katty Parry” (Ketonal), “emefki” (Morphine), “Moher Killer” ( Nitromint), “brines”, “drops”, “crystals” (NaCl), “propsika”, due to the color also called “milk” (Propofol), “halowp ***** lu” (Haloperidol), “clone »(Clonazepane) and« little pink first flush »(Hydroxyzine).

Patients are divided by weight, ranging from boars (90–110 kg), cetaceans and killer whales (120–150 kg), to sperm whales (> 160 kg), and by ailments. And so: a patient with AF (atrial fibrillation) is «Miss Snorky», a patient with a multi-organ trauma is a «combo patient», a drug afterburner patient «a girl with matches», a gunshot victim – «St. John’s wort», drunkard – «żulterier» or «Marian », A drunk drinking non-food alcohol -« Gumiś », a train run over -« pendolino », frozen -« frozen food », a window jumper -« Mr. Kleks », and an extremely dehydrated elderly patient – a crisp.

– “Walker” is a sick person who will go to the ambulance by himself, and each lying person is a “deck chair” or “flyer”. What it lies on is a “case”, “couch” or “drawer”, and what it is wrapped in is “silverware” “foil” or “ferrero roche”. There is also the annual December action “turn grandmother for a Christmas tree”, referring to families getting rid of seniors during the holiday season – adds Wojtek.

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The emergency dialect does not only apply to the living – they also find more or less delicate terms in relation to the world of the dead: “al dente” (death), “referral to St. Peter »(death report),« sleeping bag »,« dress »(body bag),« holy papers »(death certificate),« family frost »(dissecting room).

Street language in the operating room

Janusz, a 58-year-old gynecologist, emphasizes that the sociolect concerns gynecologists-obstetricians more than gynecologists. It is at the delivery ward that we will meet with a “scraper”, which means curettage of the uterine cavity, “box” – incubator, “oxy” – oxytocin, “plow” – obese patient, “putting into a vein” or “giving into meat” – injections and “beheading” », That is, an emperor. There are also the curses that Michał has already mentioned. In the process of “cutting” they have one goal – mobilization.

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When we are in the belly, it is silence, but when there is bleeding, there is a bunch of flowers. So disciplinary. In all this medical jargon, I see one common denominator: the language of the street. He has always accompanied us, though not to such an extent. I even remember that we had a lecturer in college, whom we called “lecturer f *** his mać” (PAKJM). Only because she was cursing fiercely. For example, she would say: “guys I’m going to ******** is *********”. It had its charm. Today we can say about everyone: PAKJM. This deterioration of the environment is progressing. It is enough to listen to the talks of luminaries at medical conferences or congresses – our Polish k **** is no longer a preposition, but a link that binds everything and everyone. A bit like in the movies of Patryk Vega. The respect for academic positions also seems to be much lower. No one is impressed by the assistant professor. Young people want to work “from to” and above. This calling has become simply countable – adds Janusz.

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