How do children perceive the messages in fashion photos?

To find out, Yolanda Dominguez, a Spanish artist, asked children what inspired them with different fashion photos. If their vision is funny at times, it also makes you think. On a picture of the Pepe Jeans brand, for example, we can see men throwing Cara Delevingne into a trash can. First reaction of one of the little girls: “two men throw a girl in a trash can, she laughs and I don’t understand why….”. But for another little boy ” either they are helping her, or they are abusing her … »!!!! It’s pretty bad that a kid would come to think of that when these photos should just be promoting clothes !!

Another advertisement shows a woman curled up on the ground. Far from being reassuring, this photo questions children. For some, the model may be drugged! Others wonder if she has dozed off or if she has not slipped on wet ground …

In video: How do children perceive the messages in fashion photos?

Yolanda Dominguez has chosen to present these shots which are quite representative of fashion photos. As often, women are in a position of inferiority, of defense or in a situation of distress. Men, on the other hand, are always in a position of pride, power and look good …

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This is why the artist, who titled this test “Niños vs moda” [Children vs fashion], ends his video with a startling question: ” are children the only ones to perceive the violence with which women are portrayed in fashion magazines? “. A call to major brands and advertisers to think more about the messages they carry …


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