How do children get COVID-19 and what are their symptoms?
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Children suffer more from COVID-19 – such information is increasingly appearing in the media. Prof. Marczyńska, emphasizes, however, that we are not dealing with an avalanche increase in these cases. The specialist admits that currently more children with a positive test result are hospitalized, but the reasons for hospitalization are different. What is known about COVID-19 in children? What do doctors say and what are the recommendations?

  1. Prof. Marczyńska: it is not true that severe COVID-19 courses in children are increasing rapidly. Most still get the infection mildly
  2. After the current peak of coronavirus infections, in April, we may face another wave of PIMS cases in children as a result of the infection
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More severe COVID-19 in children – the doctor calms down

With the spread of new variants of the coronavirus, information is emerging about the more severe course of COVID-19 in children. “ While children have rarely had COVID-19 harder in the previous months, today we are seeing more young patients suffering from the disease like adults. There are more severe COVID-19 courses, with pneumonia, respiratory failure – said Dr. Lidia Stopyra, specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics of the Specialist Hospital in a recent interview with Medonet. S. Żeromski in Krakow.

However, it is worth emphasizing the scale of this phenomenon. The fact that there are more severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children does not mean that hospitals are struggling with this type of disease. Prof. Magdalena Marczyńska, specialist in infectious diseases in children.

– It is true that more people in the group of children and adolescents have some symptoms after being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. However, it is not true and I do not record it in my hospital that severe COVID-19 courses are increasing rapidly in this age group. – said the specialist. – I would like to reassure parents, because all the nuances on this subject need to be explained, and not just the slogan that children suffer more from COVID-19 – she emphasized (after PAP)

Prof. Marczyńska points out that most children are still mildly infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. – When family doctors have a patient who has a fever for three days, they send him to the hospital. This is especially true of infants, and certainly children with confirmed COVID-19. There, it often turns out that the test is positive, but the reason for hospitalization is different. It is often a different infection or disease: otitis, urinary tract infection plus coronavirus infection. This must be clearly explained – says the specialist.

Waldemar Kraska confirmed that he was receiving signals that more and more children are infected with COVID-19. The deputy minister of health emphasizes: – We do not see that this is a big phenomenon and that it does not affect the increased hospitalization only due to coronavirus infection in children.

COVID-19 in children – risk of severe course

We are still learning about the coronavirus and we are constantly updating our knowledge about it. This work is not facilitated by subsequent mutations of the pathogen. What is currently known about COVID-19 in children? When are they more likely to get sick, what SARS-CoV-2 causes their symptoms? The list of current news appeared a few days ago on the website of the prestigious Mayo Clinic (the organization conducts research, clinical and integrated patient care activities).

The Mayo Clinic emphasizes that children of all ages can develop COVID-19, but most usually have mild or no symptoms. What is the probability that my toddler will get COVID-19? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Association of Children’s Hospitals in the United States, children make up about 13 percent of the population. all COVID-19 cases. Research also suggests that children aged 10-14 are less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to those in their 20s.

Nevertheless, there are children who have a serious course of COVID-19 and require hospitalization, including treatment in an intensive care unit. As the Mayo Clinic points out, a higher risk of more severe coronavirus infection is associated with the presence of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and asthma in children. Young patients with congenital heart disease, genetic conditions, conditions that affect the nervous system or metabolism may also be at greater risk.

It is also known that the risk of severe disease is higher in children under one year of age than in the elderly. This is likely due to their immature immune system and smaller airways, which in the event of respiratory infections can result in breathing problems.

COVID-19 symptoms in children

In children, the symptoms of coronavirus infection are usually mild and similar to a cold. Most recover within two weeks. Possible symptoms of COVID-19 in children may include, but are not limited to: fever or chills, blocked / runny nose, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, muscle or body aches, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis.

As Gazeta Wyborcza recently reported, doctors observe that laryngitis is a common symptom of COVID-19 in young patients recently. However, this is not included in the official information. It is possible that this will change in the future with more information on COVID-19.

Mayo Clinic reminds: if your child has symptoms of COVID-19 and you suspect they may have coronavirus, see their doctor! Leave your child at home, restricting their contacts with others, except in terms of medical care.

COVID-19 in children. Doctors warn against PIMS

While most children experience COVID-19 mildly, doctors caution against PIMS, the multi-system inflammatory syndrome they develop following infection with the coronavirus. It can lead to very serious complications. PIMS occurs several weeks after the SARS-COv-2 infection, very common in children who have had it asymptomatically.

– PIMS affects the vascular endothelium with micro-embolisms. It is a type of autoinflammation of the vessels that affects the entire circulatory system. Most of our PIMS patients had heart involvement, which resulted in circulatory disturbances, drops in blood pressure, impaired kidney function, and edema. There were severe abdominal pain and diarrhea – in several children the appendix was even removed – said prof. Krzysztof Zeman, head of the Department of Paediatrics, Immunology and Nephrology at the Institute of Polish Mother’s Health Center (ICZMP) in Łódź.

Central nervous system symptoms were also observed, including headaches and dizziness, worsening of epileptic symptoms, seizures and even micro-embolisms in the brain.

What’s more, doctors predict that after the current peak of coronavirus infections, in April we will most likely face another wave of children’s PIMS cases.

– We had the December-January PIMS wave at the institute. More than thirty children with this syndrome were admitted to the clinic, which we considered to be the aftermath of the COVID-19 incidence peak at the turn of October and November. We only had two PIMS cases in February and March. Based on the infection statistics, it can be assumed that another wave of cases among children may occur at the turn of March and April – emphasized the specialist.

How can I protect my child from becoming infected with the coronavirus?

There are many ways to reduce a child’s risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and, if it does, avoid spreading it to others. Here are the most important:

Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent. alcohol. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue. Throw away the used tissue and wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Make sure the children wash their hands immediately upon returning home, and also after leaving the bathroom and before eating or preparing meals

Make sure that your baby and all household members avoid close contact (distance 2 meters) with anyone who does not live in your household

Encourage your child to stay in touch with friends and loved ones through phone calls or video meetings

Clean the surfaces you use together every day: tables, door handles, hard-backed chairs, light switches, remote controls, electronics, handles, desks, toilets and sinks.

Wear face masks! If your child is two years or older, ask them to wear a cloth mask when they are around people who do not live in your household. Do not put the mask on a child under two years old, a child who has any breathing problems or if their condition prevents them from taking the mask off without assistance, reminds the Mayo Clinic.

It is worth noting that according to WHO recommendations, children aged five and younger should not be required to wear masks. “This advice is based on the child’s safety and the possibility of using the mask correctly with minimal assistance,” explains the WHO. However, she points out that in special situations, such as being in the vicinity of a sick person, the use of masks in children aged five or younger may be necessary. “In such circumstances, the parent or other guardian should supervise the safe use of the mask by the child,” emphasizes the organization.

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