The severe course of a new coronavirus infection often leads to complications from various organs. The kidneys were no exception.
How coronavirus infection affects kidney function: the doctor answers
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Hereditary and Acquired Kidney Diseases, N.I. Yu.E. Veltischeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics No. 2, Faculty of Pediatrics, FGAOU VO RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Not only COVID-19, but any viral or bacterial disease, including streptococcal sore throat, can provoke an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Experts have noticed that in the severe course of COVID-19, the kidneys are often affected, leading to a decrease in their function, complicating the course of the underlying disease. This is primarily due to high intoxication, severe hypoxia, impaired hemostasis (the formation of small blood clots that can affect the vessels of the kidneys).
If the patient’s kidney pathology already exists, a new type of coronavirus infection can cause a complication of the underlying disease. But only if we are talking about the severe course of COVID-19. During the examination in the clinic, it is possible to determine whether the patient is at risk for kidney disease, and at the time of discharge from the hospital it is clear whether a problem has arisen or not.
While at home, patients from the risk group use specific therapy for prophylactic purposes:
anti-clotting agents;
medicines to restore kidney function;
drugs that normalize blood circulation in the vessels.
Silent danger
Having been ill with COVID-19, you need to be careful about your health in order to avoid secondary complications. It is known that a new type of coronavirus infection negatively affects systemic immunity, and therefore, after discharge, patients are more susceptible to infectious diseases than others.
To prevent exacerbations of chronic kidney disease (cystitis, pyelonephritis), you should:
avoid hypothermia;
avoid excessive physical exertion;
minimize overwork and stress;
observe the daily routine;
strive for a balanced diet and drinking regime, which will reduce the risk of complications to a minimum.
Time of diagnosis
In the overwhelming majority of cases, diseases of the urinary system are asymptomatic, so you have to focus on signs that may indirectly indicate the likelihood of developing pathology:
swelling of the face;
pain in the lumbar region;
discoloration of urine.
If these signs appear, you should consult a doctor. The main screening methods that are prescribed to suspect kidney disease are general urine analysis и ultrasonography.
Good to know
Genetic susceptibility is known to increase the risk of kidney disease. A person with poor heredity can be healthy, but under unfavorable circumstances, his chances of getting sick increase. There are many kidney pathologies caused by genetic or chromosomal breakdowns, they often manifest themselves in the form of congenital anomalies of the urinary system, nephritis, metabolic disorders, such patients should be under constant medical supervision.
Renal colic is a well-known condition for patients diagnosed with urolithiasis. In the classic form, colic is an intolerable cutting pain in the lumbar region in the abdomen. Antispasmodics, pain relievers and a hot bath, bed rest and the absence of sudden movements help to cope with them. Taking diuretics is strictly contraindicated. But all of the above measures are applicable only if the person knows that he is suffering from urolithiasis. But if the problem arose for the first time, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. Acute surgical pathology can often be disguised as renal colic. Taking painkillers or antispasmodics can blur the clinical picture.