How contagious is the Centaurus mutation? There is new research
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Another mutation in the coronavirus, BA. 2.75, identified as Centaurus, was detected in early June. So far, it has been identified in 10 countries around the world, including Europe. Scientists are watching this subvariant closely. Preliminary research on its infectivity has just come out. As it turned out?

  1. Centaurus sub-variant, is as contagious as Omikron (the most infectious of the coronavirus mutations to date)
  2. It is not known at this time whether Centaurus causes higher mortality
  3. Currently, Centaurus is not a concern, the mutation is being watched like all the others
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Infectiousness of a Centaurus – What Did Research Show?

Epidemiologist Prof. Massimo Ciccozzi, head of the department of medical statistics research and molecular epidemiology at the University of Rome’s Campus Bio-Medico.

It turns out that the new sub-variant of the Centaurus coronavirus is just as contagious as Omikron (the most infectious of the coronavirus mutations to date). Prof. Ciccozzi stressed that we are “monitoring the situation” and that the new sub-variant, which is not currently worrying, is being watched like all the others.

Fast antigen for presence virus SARS-CoV-2 You can find a nasal swab at home at Medonet Market.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

The sub-variant called the Centaurus first appeared in India in May. Since then, the new form of the coronavirus has spread to around 10 countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Germany and the Netherlands.

Centaurus Cause More Mortality?

Massimo Ciccozzi made a reservation that it is not known whether Centaurus causes higher mortality, because research in this direction has not yet been conducted.

“The only thing is that it has two mutations that differ from both Omicron 5 and Omicron 2 from which it is derived,” explained Massimo Ciccozzi. He also noted that these mutations are able to “escape antibodies”.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

«It is normal for the virus to overcome the immune system all the time; otherwise he dies »- reminded the epidemiologist.

From Rzymu Sylwia Wysocka / PAP

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