How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

Coconut oil is an ideal product in terms of cooking, the safest fat in terms of nutrition. It features a unique combination of saturated fatty acids and antioxidants that can have a powerful effect on overall metabolism.

The study of the properties of coconut oil was carried out by various experts independently of each other. All of them showed that the use of the product in the daily diet allows you to reduce weight and reduce the amount of visceral fat.

Coconut oil speeds up metabolism

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

Coconut oil is not like any other type of dietary fat. The main difference is that most foods are made up of long chain fatty acids. Coconut oil contains only medium chain fatty acids.

Medium chain triglycerides are not absorbed by the body in the same way as fatty compounds with a longer structure. Due to the peculiarities of the structure, they enter from the digestive tract directly into the liver. Here they are transformed into ketone bodies or converted into energy.

Coconut fats are recommended for epilepsy patients on a ketogenic diet. Thus, it is possible to increase the content of ketones by taking a small amount of carbohydrates.

Animal studies have shown that medium chain dietary fats are not stored as extensively as other types of fats. In one experiment, rats were divided into two groups. In the first group, the animals were overfed with triglyceride fats, and in the second group, with fats of a different type. It turned out that the rats of the first group gained 20% less weight and 23% less fat. [1]

Features of coconut oil when burning calories

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

Each food has its own metabolic properties. Various macro and micronutrients in food composition affect hormone levels and metabolism. The assimilation of some products is more efficient, while others take longer, require more energy costs.

Coconut oil is a thermogenic substance. Its constituent elements, unlike fats of other origin, require more energy for splitting and assimilation. One study found that 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil (15-30g) required 5% more energy. During digestion, about 120 kcal per day is burned. [2]

Other experiments confirmed these data. By replacing regular fats with medium-chain fats, the body burns more calories to break them down and absorb them. If we talk about the calories of butter or vegetable oil, it should be noted that their benefits are beyond doubt, but require less energy costs.

Coconut oil to reduce appetite

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

Your body begins to use stored fat when the calorie (energy) expenditure exceeds their intake. In other words, the body must be in a calorie deficit. The main difficulty is to keep track of your caloric expenditure. After all, it is impossible to constantly realize and control the nutritional value of products.

Nature has done everything to ensure that a person remains slim and healthy in natural conditions. Even 30 years ago, many had no idea what a calorie was, and no one thought to calculate the daily energy intake. The concept of “obesity epidemic” appeared only in the mid-80s of the last century. The search began for ways and products that can trick the body and make it absorb a lower number of calories. Research led to coconut oil.

Studies of coconut oil as a source of medium chain fatty acids have shown that it can prolong satiety. Lack of hunger for a long time automatically reduces calorie intake. Fats that have a different structure do not give this effect.

With the use of coconut oil, the liver intensively produces ketone bodies. It is they who influence the appetite, suppressing it. This is due to the peculiarities of triglyceride metabolism. In a study involving 6 healthy men, the mechanism of absorption of fatty compounds was studied. The use of medium-length fats made it possible without hesitation to eat 256 fewer calories per day. [3]

The 14 male subjects ate foods rich in this type of fat for breakfast. This led to the fact that at lunch they ate significantly fewer calories.

Coconut oil significantly stimulates fat burning, which increases the number of calories. This mechanism causes a decrease in appetite, which results in less calorie intake.

Coconut oil fights visceral fat

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

The ability of coconut oil to speed up metabolic processes and reduce appetite allows you to get rid of body fat fairly quickly. The effect will last for a long period of time. Positive results have been proven by more than one study.

One of the experiments involved two groups of women. For 28 days, they received 30 grams (2 tablespoons) of coconut or soybean oil. All participants were instructed to consume fewer calories and walk more (aerobic exercise). The results were amazing:

  1. Participants in both groups lost an average of 2 kg.

  2. In women who took coconut oil, waist circumference decreased due to the burning of belly fat. Participants who consumed soybean oil noted a slight increase in abdominal fat deposits.

  3. In the first group, there was a decrease in good cholesterol (HDL). In the second group, soybean oil led to a decrease in HDL-cholesterol and an increase in LDL.

Coconut oil did not lead to significant overall weight loss compared to soybean, but did reduce the stomach.

Other observations were made for men diagnosed with obesity. They received 4 g of coconut oil daily for 30 weeks. After a certain time, it was possible to note a decrease in waist circumference by 2 cm. [4]

Many studies by nutritionists have confirmed that medium chain triglycerides can reduce weight, reduce waist size and improve metabolic rates.

Coconut oil is quite effective in reducing visceral (bad) fat. Fat deposits in the abdominal cavity can form around the internal organs, further provoking the development of inflammatory diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular pathologies. Reducing abdominal fat always has a beneficial effect on metabolism, prevents the development of chronic processes, and contributes to maintaining health for a long time.

The use of coconut oil, combined with a reduction in carbohydrates and an increase in protein products, allows you to achieve high results in weight loss and a decrease in stored fat. By itself, coconut oil will not give a miraculous effect, but in combination with other methods, it will help maintain the achieved result for a long time.

coconut oil calories

How coconut oil can get rid of your belly and help you lose weight

All fats are high in calories, and coconut oil is no exception. Saturated with triglycerides, it contains about 9 calories per 1 gram. At a fixed calorie intake, adding coconut oil to your diet after meals may cause weight gain rather than weight loss.

If you don’t keep track of your calorie intake, using coconut oil will greatly reduce your appetite. This will allow you to eat less food. The point of introducing coconut oil into the diet is not to add fatty calories. It is needed to replace the usual cooking fats.

Important! To achieve the effect of weight loss, you do not need to consume a huge amount of coconut oil. It is enough to introduce into your usual diet 30 grams – 2 tablespoons. Compliance with a protein diet and optimal loads in combination with coconut oil speeds up metabolism and effectively reduces waist size.

[Video] Dr. Berg – How to lose belly fat? Why is fat deposited?

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