How children’s vaccine against coronavirus will differ from an adult

The expert spoke in detail about the vaccine against the ill-fated COVID-19.

The head of the department of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya, Professor Alexander Butenko, said that the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 will be released in two versions – regular and “lightweight”.

A more “gentle” vaccine will appear after the completion of the Sputnik V testing phase on volunteers and will be used to vaccinate children in the future.

“There will be two categories of vaccines: for adults and for children. For children, it is more gentle and less reactogenic. Children have less body weight than adults, so their dosage will be reduced. In addition, a child’s immune system may not be as developed as that of an adult, “Radio Butenko quotes. Sputnik.

The physician noted that “when testing a vaccine, there should be large enough contingents of people of all age and gender groups. This should be a comprehensive study, because then the vaccination scheme itself will be extended to a large part of the population. “

The professor also clarified: for now, people over 18 years old will be vaccinated.

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Photo: Getty Images, RDIF and the Gamaleya Center / TASS

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