How children can feed birds in a feeder in winter
In winter, birds have a difficult time. It’s good that caring people make feeders and feed the birds. It is useful to involve children in this business. Inadequate nutrition and low temperatures lead to the fact that birds die in considerable numbers, so the birds need help.
How to feed birds in a feeder in winter
The main rule is that birds should not be fed, they only need to be fed a little, partially satisfying the feeling of hunger. Overfed birds become lazy, do not want to look for food on their own, and too fatty food badly affects their health.
Feeding birds in a feeder in winter is not possible with all products.
The list of permitted products is quite wide, but there are many nuances in it. Useful food:
- Pumpkin or sunflower seeds. They contain many useful elements that help the birds to tolerate low temperatures with the least loss. In no case should you give fried or salted seeds to birds, this can lead to their death.
- Millet, wheat, oats. Small birds are very fond of such food.
- Unsalted bacon and meat. Pieces of bacon must be hung on a strong rope as high as possible so that it does not get to stray four-legged animals. It is advisable to give such a treat only in frost. At temperatures above freezing, meat and lard will quickly deteriorate.
- Cones, nuts, acorns. Such delicacies will be able to attract even larger birds – jays, woodpeckers.
- Dried rowan berries. These fruits are best harvested in the fall.
- Maple and ash seeds. Bullfinches are especially fond of them.
From delicacies, you can offer poultry apple slices, a boiled egg, cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, dense oatmeal. On frosty days, it is allowed to put a slice of high-quality butter in the feeder.
Anything salty and fatty is strictly prohibited. Also, it is not recommended to give the birds such food:
- fresh bread;
- millet;
- pies, cookies and baked goods;
- fried and salted seeds;
- salted lard;
- spoiled food.
Fresh bread and baked goods are difficult for birds to digest, as these foods are too fatty and heavy for their digestive system. In addition, they simply fill the stomach, but do not provide enough energy. The maximum that can be given is crumbs of dried white bread.
Even good food can be harmful if the feeder is dirty. Therefore, once every few weeks, the feeder must be thoroughly washed with hot water and a disinfectant. Uneaten food should be removed regularly every day.
A successful wintering of birds is the key to maintaining a balance in nature and controlling the number of pests.