How can you tell if your arteries are patent? Do the Allen test

If your hands feel tingling or your fingers are cold, there is a risk that your upper limb arteries are blocked. How can this be checked? Any doctor is able to perform an Allen test. Moreover, it does not need any special equipment. The patient also does not have to prepare exceptionally for this trial. What is it about? We explain!

  1. The Allen Test is a test that any doctor can do. Special equipment is not needed for this
  2. This test is performed when there is a suspicion that the arteries of the upper extremities are obstructed, among other things
  3. The Allen test is performed in two attempts. During the examination, the doctor squeezes the patient’s hand and checks when the circulation returns to him
  4. If this time exceeds five seconds, the doctor may send us for additional tests to help him make an accurate diagnosis
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When should the Allen test be performed?

The Allen test is not a routine test. The doctor conducts it when he has special circumstances. Perhaps he suspects you have atherosclerosis, thrombosis or arteritis. You can also ask your doctor to do the Allen test yourself. Do this if you notice symptoms such as tingling in your fingers. It is also worth taking the Allen test when your hands are extremely cold and pale.

Doctors also decide to have this test before some treatments. Mainly those that may close or damage the arteries. The Allen test is performed, inter alia, prior to bypass implantation.

What is the Allen Test?

The Allen test is based on the observation of capillary circulation in the capillaries of the fingers. During this test, your doctor measures the time it takes for your blood vessels to fill with blood after its supply has been temporarily blocked. What should worry him? A situation where the time it takes for blood vessels to fill with blood is too long or too short. It may mean that the circulation is impaired.

Allen’s test step by step:

  1. The patient sits down at the table and rests the back of the arm bent at the elbow at a 45-degree angle against the tabletop.
  2. The subject should clench his fist for 30 seconds. During this time, the muscles “push” the blood out of the capillaries.
  3. The doctor now presses the patient’s hand in such a way as to stop the blood supply to the hand from the radial and ulnar arteries.
  4. The next step is to straighten the patient’s fingers. At this point, his hand is pale.
  5. The doctor releases the pressure and measures the time it takes for your fingers to regain their normal color. The specialist should carefully examine the pads. The doctor must also assess the color of the skin under the nail plate. That is why it is so important that the nails are not painted.

It should be noted that the Allen test is performed in two trials.

Allen’s test results – interpretation

How much should a normal recovery time be? Experts indicate that it must not exceed five seconds. Therefore, if your hand recovers color within this time frame during the Allen test, the result is correct.

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The situation becomes more complicated when this process takes more than five seconds. This may mean that the relieved artery is not working properly. In such a situation, the doctor should refer us to additional tests, including Doppler ultrasound. Thanks to this, it will be able to determine how our blood vessels work. This will help you make the right diagnosis.

Do you have worrying symptoms? Do a panel of blood tests for atherosclerosis and check the health of your arteries.

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