How can you catch venereal diseases? Embarrassing diseases are not only transmitted sexually
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Venereal diseases have developed many myths that make diagnosis and treatment difficult. We debunk one of them: it is not true that AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea only threaten those who choose to engage in risky sex. Anyone can become infected with dangerous microbes.

Unsecured sexual intercourse is the main cause of transmission of viruses responsible for the so-called embarrassing diseases. Oral and anal sex are just as dangerous. All sexually active people are at increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. However, the problem also applies to people who do not engage in sex – including children.

Syringes, surgeries, cuts, that is, infected blood

Some venereal diseases develop as a result blood-borne virus infections. HIV can spread among people who inject drugs with the same syringes and needles. Infection can also occur during surgery if non-sterile medical instruments are used. In addition, the virus is able to cross the placenta via the bloodstream and infect a developing fetus in the womb. HIV also enters a newborn’s body through breast milk.

Be aware of the risks accidental contact with hazardous biological materialthat appears in public places. Contaminated material has practically no chance of entering the bloodstream if our skin is intact. The risk of infection increases when someone else’s blood hits the mucosa or the skin where it is cut. In the case of HIV, the probability of infection by this route is 0,1–0,3%. To minimize the risk, the skin should be washed well with warm soapy water, then rinsed thoroughly and disinfected with an alcohol-based agent.

You can now determine for yourself whether you have become HIV positive. Order today a set of tests for venereal diseases, thanks to which you will check your body not only for HIV, but also for mycosis, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis.

  1. Also read: The seven most common venereal diseases

At home, public restroom and swimming pool

In the course of venereal diseases, eruptions appear on the external genitalia, which secrete serous fluid with dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, virus transmission can take place due to the use of the same linen and towelsas well as other accessories needed for personal hygiene. The viruses can infect erotic gadgets and the hands with which we touch infected genital organs. Even sitting on the toilet seat in the public toilet can be a threat. The risk of infection is also non-compliance with the hygiene rules in the swimming pool or in the solarium. Through carelessness, you can become infected with, among others HSV-2 virus, which is responsible for the development of genital herpes, as well as gonorrhea.

Are you worried that you have contracted gonorrhea? You can perform a gonorrhea mail-order diagnostic test available on Medonet Market. There you will also find a mail-order test for trichomoniasis. If you suspect that you may have contracted syphilis, buy the Syphilis Test SYPH-Check-1 LabHome – 98% effective.

A humid environment favors the development of microorganisms, therefore they willingly settle in intimate areas. The fact that in the initial stage, venereal diseases are asymptomaticmakes it difficult to recognize them. You should see your doctor as soon as possible when symptoms such as:

  1. itching, rash, ulcers, blisters, warts and any skin changes around the genitals and anus,
  2. pain during intercourse
  3. strong pressure on the bladder combined with a burning sensation when urinating,
  4. penile or vaginal discharge.

Check that you have not contracted an STD by taking a blood test. Just buy the Sexually Transmitted Diseases – Diagnostic Tests package on Medonet Market to be sure.

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