How can phytotherapy help you lose weight?

Who do herbs help and how effective are their effects?

The word “lose weight” appears in web search queries more than a million times a month. About 100 want to lose weight fast, and only 35 want to lose weight the right way. We decided to try to remedy the situation and prepared a series of materials about natural ways to lose weight. We have already talked about how homeopathy helps to lose weight. Next up is phytotherapy. Who do herbs help and how effective are their effects?

The task of phytotherapy: fill the deficiency of useful substances in the body, charge with positive energy, provide natural cleansing of toxins and toxins, regulate appetite, restore harmony to the body. It is worth noting that herbal medicine has achieved the greatest success in the field of weight loss.

Principle: The process begins with cleansing the body. But you should not rush into this. At the initial stage, it is much more important to realize the problem itself. For example, sometimes we do not even notice what and how much we eat per day. Many people believe that they don’t eat anything at all, although in fact they constantly snack. If you do not pay attention to this, cleansing the body will only be a waste of time and money. It is also useless to clean if the body is under stress or in conditions of constant energy deficiency. What does it mean?

As a rule, in the bodies of residents of large cities there is an excess amount of liquid and short carbohydrates (simple sugars that get inside along with sandwiches, buns, semi-finished products and other unhealthy foods). For most, the balance between the number of calories consumed and expended is disturbed. There is a lack of iodine and vitamins, as well as other elemental nutrients, on which the amount of energy responsible for the viability of the body depends. Medicinal plants are able to replenish living energy, help maintain it and not waste it. The main thing is to analyze the situation.

If, without taking into account all these factors, you start cleaning, and even add active physical activity, doctors predict that after 4-6 months neurological problems and even a nervous breakdown will set in, not to mention constant weakness, apathy, a desire to lie down in a dark corner on a soft sofa to take a nap. In other words, there cannot be only a mechanistic approach to herbal medicine, the treatment must be complex.

Process: after the examination, when the picture of the situation becomes clear, you can start cleaning. The process will get rid of toxins not only in the intestines, but also in the kidneys, liver and bile ducts. The so-called “hepatobiliary” plants will help in this – dandelion, heather, rosemary, green tea and others. By the way, the conventional wisdom that a person needs to drink as much water as possible, naturopaths refute. Conversely, for some people, increased fluid intake can lead to water retention and swelling. To prevent this from happening and the cleansing process to take place correctly, the doctor will definitely prescribe diuretic plants, which include birch leaves, staminate orthosiphon, meadowsweet, hairy hawkweed, and so on. These herbs enhance the release of toxins. However, along with them, useful microelements, in particular potassium, are washed out of the body. The use of potassium-sparing herbal diuretics and plants – sources of bioavailable potassium, as well as a healthy diet, which necessarily includes cereals, will help balance the process of losing weight.

Catering: it is important to take into account the compatibility of food products so that as few nutrients as possible go to waste due to the inability of the body to digest even high-quality food. For example, meat should not be washed down with water (especially sweet) and consumed with fresh tomatoes and sweet peppers. Baked vegetables are suitable for a side dish, and fresh ones are best eaten before the main course in order to prepare the food tract for a hearty meal. As soon as the body is freed from organic microslags, doctors turn to those plants that reduce appetite or affect body fat. So, some plants naturally reduce the feeling of hunger, affecting the brain or stomach. For example, spirulina is an algae that contains amino acids that affect neurotransmitters associated with hunger. Or Indian plantain, which, like apple pectin, mechanically reduces hunger. If taken before meals, it turns into a gelatinous mass that is not processed by the stomach, which sends a “satiety message” to the hypothalamus. Among the foods that have the ability to break down fats, carriers of tartronic acid are famous, namely cucumbers and cabbage.

For whom: herbal medicine is ideal for those who have problems with digestion and proper elimination of toxins from the body, as well as for those who are not able to limit their appetite.

Features: herbal medicine makes the figure more slender, but it cannot be the only assistant to lose weight. Once the treatment is over, which usually lasts three weeks, the patient’s task will be to maintain a balanced diet and exercise.

What to read:

“Concise encyclopedia of modern herbal medicine with the basics of homeopathy”. Handbook of a practical doctor// T.L. Kiseleva, Yu.A. Smirnova, I.L. Blinkov, M.A. Dronova, E.V. Tsvetaeva; edited by T.L. Kiseleva. – M .: Publishing House of the Professional Association of Naturotherapists, 2010. A guide for doctors, however, it is very clear and accessible.

“Healing properties of food plants”, under the general. ed. prof. T.L. Kiseleva. – M.: Publishing House of FNKETS TMDL Roszdrav, 2007. A huge work of the whole team, where for the first time, in addition to useful properties (scientifically substantiated), contraindications to the use of seemingly completely harmless plants are also indicated.

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