How can parents find a common language with their child 6-10 years old
To understand how to find a common language with a child, you need to know the features characteristic of his age. For children of preschool and early school age, relatives are still the main people in life. But only under the condition of a trusting relationship, you can count on complete mutual understanding.
What parents need to know
In the process of raising a child, you need to adhere to a single style of behavior. You cannot first endure and forgive all the pranks, and then sharply connect the “whip” and punish for the slightest offenses.
To understand how to find a common language with a child, you need to devote as much time as possible to communication with him.
The basis of interaction in the family should be affection, calmness and understanding. For a child to feel safe, adults need to know the following:
- Expressing your emotions is a normal process for children. One should not suppress it in them. Each emotion must be listened to and sorted out.
- An additional portion of attention and affection can minimize whims and manifestations of harm.
- Constant prohibitions are fraught with the accumulation of unrealized energy, and its release at the most unexpected moment.
- Upset mom and dad are already a punishment for the child, you should not scold him too much for misconduct.
Conversation is the most powerful way to find a compromise between adults and children. We need to communicate more, jointly analyze problems and look for ways to solve them.
How to behave with your child 6-10 years old
To establish a respectful and trusting relationship with a 6-10 year old child, you need to adhere to a certain manner of behavior and communication with him:
- Listen and hear. The main indicator of parental attention is a constant interest in the life of children, their joys and problems. The ability to listen, give your assessment of the situation and give the right advice is very important.
- Respect as an independent person with the right to choose. Even if the choice is about when to wash the dishes or prepare the lessons.
- Spend time on joint sports, travel, hobbies, going to the movies, etc. The more time adults and children spend together, the more trusting and intimate their relationship becomes.
- In an effort to teach a child to do the right thing, you need to indicate your expectations from him. You should not blame him for scattering his things, it is better to say that you want order in his room.
- Children’s creative work requires not just an adult’s assessment, but a detailed commentary that will show a genuine interest in creation. At the same time, one cannot praise and exclaim enthusiastically at the sight of works that are clearly far from masterpieces.
- Understand the causes of poor school grades. It is not always a matter of childish laziness or lack of obligation, often the child simply does not understand the material, and he needs help.
Every person, and children in particular, needs understanding, attention and care. Only with a friendly attitude can you find a common language in the family.
Parenting is a complex process that requires self-discipline and patience from mom and dad. But if you focus on a specific goal that the parent wants to achieve when communicating with children, then the task is greatly simplified.