How can osteoporosis be prevented? Free webinar by Dr. Molokova E.V.

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At 45, everything is just beginning – this truth is transmitted to women by psychologists and folk wisdom. But this borderline period also has dangers, one of which is a decrease in skeletal bone density or primary osteoporosis. There are several reasons at once: the restructuring of the hormonal system, and the lack of vitamin D, and problems with the absorption of calcium.

At the webinar, we told everything about osteoporosis, which doctors call the silent enemy. Indeed, this disease of bone tissue may not manifest itself for years, but its consequences are not very rosy. One third of women over 50 are familiar with osteoporosis firsthand, of whom about 24% have suffered fractures due to bone loss. Is each of us at risk of becoming disabled just because of a set of chromosomes? Not everything is so gloomy! It is quite possible to prevent osteoporosis.

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce your risk of osteoporosis. We talked about them at a webinar with preventive medicine doctor Elena Valentinovna Molokova.

  • What early symptoms do doctors consider “wake-up calls” for women?

  • What does hormones have to do with it?

  • When, and most importantly, how can you help your bones stay strong and avoid fractures?

  • What to do if osteoporosis has already been diagnosed.

Each of these questions and many others were answered by Elena Valentinovna.

gynecologist-endocrinologist, doctor of preventive and anti-aging medicine, psychologist and head of the anti-aging medicine department of NL-Clinic (Moscow)

The webinar was supported by Lady’s Formula.

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