How can I stop eating due to stress?

How can I stop eating due to stress?

Stopping eating due to stress is not an easy task.

You must bear in mind that a stressed body usually wants to eat processed foods and an excess of sugar or salt. In addition, this desire to eat is not usually the only consequence caused by this physiological response of your body.

It is also common to suffer from headaches, diarrhea or constipation, excessive fatigue or insomnia, among other effects.

Now, if this is your case, let me anticipate that you are not the only one who suffers from these symptoms caused by stress. As the European Medical Institute of Obesity assures, the current social context, plagued with uncertainty, generates that we secrete a smaller amount of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine) whose lack causes anxiety, and the consequent effects mentioned.

What do we understand by stress?

This is the first thing we must define, because many times people are not able to distinguish stress from anxiety. Good, We can define it as a physiological response to a threat, which can be both real and imaginary.

And, to face this response, your body needs the intake of a series of substances that help it produce new neurotransmitters for well-being.

What nutrients does your body need in times of stress?

As we just pointed out, your body needs certain nutrients, which are calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and omega-3. These are precisely the nutrients that your body consumes the most due to stress, hence the importance of replenishing them.

En este sentido, eating healthy foods can relieve tension and eliminate symptoms of stressJust as physical exercise or rest also exert positive results.

Therefore, the intake of pumpkin, asparagus, potato or sweet potato, or fruits such as blueberries, orange, and lemon is recommended. Among dairy products, the benefits of Yogurt always come out due to its high content of probiotics.

Chewing gum to avoid stress eating: is this the solution?

Surely you have ever heard that chewing gum helps to stop eating due to stress. And, in part, that’s right: the study carried out by the Wrigley Science Institute shows how chewing gum can reduce about 1.000 calories from the monthly diet, thanks to its sweetness that alleviates the anxiety to eat.

However, this type of “Remedies” It is not usually, far from it, the solution to the problem, just as they are not other remedies such as eating with a large fork and small plate, drink infusions or have bread with oil. In short, taking gum is not going to solve the intrinsic problem that is causing you stress and, consequently, an irrepressible desire to eat.

Therefore, our recommendation to stop eating due to stress is to try to eat healthy foods, exercise and even visit a professional, who can help you escape the negative feelings that push you to eat to curb your stress.

Also, keep in mind that, surely, eating for stress does not make you feel less stressed, but rather the opposite.

And, finally, we remind you that you can access our blog to find out the latest gastronomic news, as well as more news on health and well-being.

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