How can I prevent mosquito bites from itching? Doctor’s advice

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They are an inseparable element of holidays. This year there are a lot of mosquitoes. Why? The weather is favorable for them – it is warm and humid, and these are ideal conditions for them. Unfortunately, they attack not only in nature, but also in the city center. After being bitten by a buzzing insect, redness, swelling appears, and the skin itches very much. How to relieve these unpleasant symptoms? We asked Dr. Joanna Pietroń, an internist at the Damian Medical Center, what to do to prevent the bites from itching. The text is part of the Onet Holidays series.

  1. For a person who is not allergic, the bite is not a problem – says the specialist. However, a mosquito can cause a severe allergic reaction in some people
  2. The doctor explains what to do if we are allergic and we are going to a place with a lot of mosquitoes
  3. Do home remedies work? Is it worth taking lime after a bite? The doctor’s office dispels these doubts
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Sylwia Stachura, Medonet: Doctor, why does my skin itch and bubble after a mosquito bite?

Dr Joanna Pietroń, internist: Mosquitoes belong to the group of arthropods for which humans are an intermediate host. During the bite, they transfer to the human body many immunogenic substances (having the ability to trigger a specific immune response against themselves), which are responsible for the formation (after the bite) of local reactions such as a bubble or inflammatory infiltrate.

Is the bite dangerous? Can they infect us with something?

In Poland, we have it so much better that so far mosquitoes do not transmit diseases such as malaria, filariosis or yellow fever. Most often, we are dealing with the formation of an inflammatory reaction, which usually (in non-allergic people) disappears spontaneously after a few days.

The most common reaction we encounter to a mosquito bite is local and limited swelling at the site of exposure. Occasionally, however, systemic symptoms may occur – mainly in children. Remember that a mosquito bite is not a problem for a person who is not allergic to it.

What about allergic people?

In some people, mosquito saliva causes an allergic reaction. Then we can have antibodies in the blood responsible for the appearance of these reactions. If we know that we are allergic to mosquito saliva, then before the planned exposure (e.g. staying by the water, in a park or on a plot), an internist or allergist may recommend taking an antihistamine (however, the use of a given agent should always be agreed with a specialist in advance). However, such measures are only used in people who are hypersensitive to mosquito saliva.

  1. See also: What to do if you are allergic to mosquito saliva?

A large bubble then pops up, which itches a lot and just irritates us.

It is worth emphasizing that the problem with mosquito bites is that there can be bacterial contamination of these sites. Reactions resulting from mosquito bites or fluff can then heal more difficult and consequently lead to scarring, discoloration or general symptoms related to infection.

What can we do to make the bubble smaller?

In soothing the reactions, for example, antihistamine creams and gels are used, which soothe the feeling of itching and make the bubble at the bite smaller (they inhibit the secretion of inflammatory mediators). These are topical medications. They can additionally contain, for example, cooling menthol or soothing panthenol, therefore they bring relief. In more serious situations, topical steroids are also used, of course, after medical consultation.

  1. Use MUGGA soothingly for bites and burns available on Medonet Market.

Do home remedies work? Many people put onions on their skin or make vinegar compresses.

When it comes to home remedies, essential oils are helpful, as well as topical application of lime or aloe vera to the skin. In addition, home remedies will not help in every situation, because it all depends on the type of reaction of the body and the cause of its occurrence.

  1. See also: What healing properties does aloe have?

What about lime? We reach for them very often when we are bitten.

There is no documented research to show that lime helps minimize the blistering of mosquito bites.

To reduce itching, reach for licorice liniment with celandine for red and itchy skin.

What not to do after a mosquito bite?

First of all, let’s try not to scratch the bite site. There are bacteria under the fingernails that can lead to bacterial superinfection at the site of the bite. In addition, the resulting erosions delay healing.

In order to control the unpleasant sensation of burning, itching, and skin irritation, natural methods are useful, i.e. the use of cooling compresses, gels, aloe or lime. If it becomes superinfected, even abscesses and skin inflammations may appear.

The best way to deal with mosquitoes is … to avoid them. What will best protect us?

The best prevention is protection through proper clothing, the use of repellants (i.e. insect repellants), mosquito nets, repellent candles, etc.

Prophylactically, it is worth having a handy kit for ticks, mosquitoes and flies, which consists of a repellent spray and a 2-in-1 spray for removing ticks.

However, if a bite occurs, try Herbapol’s Insect Bite Gel for swelling and pain.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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