How can I improve my blood test results? These changes have spectacular effects

Blood morphology is the basic test that allows you to assess the most important parameters. If the results are abnormal, it is worth considering what to do to improve them. Especially in the case of noticeable weakness. While the consultation with your doctor is the most important thing, there are a few changes that can be made that will significantly impact your results. What to do to improve the morphology?

  1. Blood tests should be performed at least once a year
  2. You may want to make changes to your eating plan to improve your blood results
  3. You don’t like exercising? Bet on walking or swimming. You will see how it improves blood results
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Blood test results and consultation with a doctor

Blood tests should be performed at least once a year to assess the patient’s health. In the case of chronic diseases, morphology should be repeated every 3-6 months depending on the doctor’s recommendations. Most often, blood tests are reimbursed, and privately, we will pay about PLN 20 for the basic package containing information on erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. We recommend not only blood tests, but also urine tests. The basic package costs PLN 29.

To get a more complete picture, it is often recommended to measure the level of triglycerides, TSH and vitamin D. If the results are abnormal, consult a doctor who, after a detailed interview, will be able to assess the patient’s health and order further tests.

Worth knowing

In most cases, however, it is enough to make appropriate lifestyle modifications to notice significant changes in the morphology results. However, we make a reservation that they should be consulted with a doctor who should monitor the health condition.

Does abnormal body weight affect blood test results?

Incorrect body weight may affect the results of blood tests. This applies to both overweight and underweight people. It is very important in the case of diets that allow you to lose weight up to 5-7 kg in a week.

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Usually, such fasts do not provide the vitamins and minerals needed by the body, which may be reflected in the test results. Besides, “miracle diets” often lead to the yo-yo effect.

Can the diet improve the test results?

Just as the use of fasting is not good for our body, introducing healthy changes in the diet can surprise us not only with good blood test results, but also with better well-being and noticeable weight loss.

In this situation, it is worth consulting a dietitian who, based on the morphology and other data (age, weight, gender), will suggest a nutritional plan appropriate to the needs of our body. The menu should include fish (at least twice a week), walnuts, whole grain pasta and green vegetables.

In addition, you must not forget about adequate hydration and the intake of vitamin D. At Medonet Market you will find dietary supplements that will allow you to supplement the deficiency:

  1. Vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte,
  2. XeniVit vitamin D 2000 Xenico,
  3. Natural vitamin D3 50 µg.

What is the impact of exercise on improving test results?

Movement is one of the most frequently repeated recommendations by doctors, which some of us still forget about. However, you do not need to play competitive sports to improve your results and, moreover, to sculpt your figure. People who are not physically active can go for walks, swimming or Nordic walking. The effects will be noticeable very quickly.

Stimulants and incorrect results – how to change it?

Stimulants also contribute to worse blood results. Smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the body, and thus well-being. However, if we want to improve not only the results, but also the appearance of the skin, we should give up stimulants.

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