Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous disease, if ignored, it can lead to serious complications. Preventing the effects of diabetes is not as difficult as you think. See what rules to follow to control the disease!
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- Chromosome – structure, types and functions in the body. Chromosomal aberrations and genetic diseases
A chromosome is a collection of a given number and type of genes, inherited from both parents. A normal human chromosome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, and all …
- Symptoms of collagen deficiency – signs can be seen on the skin and more
Collagen is the basic building block of several structures in the body, including skin and hair. Over time, the production of this important ingredient begins to decline and then …
- Intestinal stoma. When does a stoma emerge? Does it allow you to function normally? [WE EXPLAIN]
The intestinal stoma is used in the surgical treatment of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Having a stoma can save the lives of patients with …
1/9 Glucometer
Measuring your blood sugar daily is important in managing your diabetes. Each time you should write down the meter result in a special notebook and show it to the attending physician. The determination of blood sugar (glycemia) plays a fundamental role in the diagnosis and control of diabetes. This test should also be regularly performed by healthy people. Find out why… Read Blood Sugar! photo of BE&W
2/ 9 Control your weight
Correct body weight allows you to maintain the sugar level at the right level. Type 2 diabetes can reverse when an obese person loses weight Read more about the facts and myths in diabetes!
3/ 9 Control your blood pressure
Lowering blood pressure promotes the prevention of heart disease and strokes – diseases that are particularly prone to diabetes. What do you know about diabetes? photo of BE&W
4/ 9 Control your stress!
Stress releases hormones, which include increase blood pressure and sugar levels. Lack of sleep and dysregulation of the biological clock promote abnormal insulin production by the cells of the pancreas. Read more in Cukrzyca likes to hide!
5/ 9 Do sports
Movement, gymnastics, jogging make it easier to lower blood sugar and lose unnecessary kilograms! Read more about hypoglycemia!
6/ 9 Look after your eyes
Blurred vision may be a symptom of diabetes. Read more in The Bitter Truth About Sweet Eyes!
7/ 9 Take care of your teeth
Diabetes often have dental problems. Treatment of periodontitis is a factor that can help prevent diabetes complications.
8/ 9 Diabetic foot
One of the most common (6 to 10% of patients) and most dangerous complications of diabetes is the diabetic foot. About half of the leg amputations performed in Poland are its consequences. Read more in Avoid complications! photos of BE&W
9/ 9 Diabetes in pregnancy
Gestational diabetes can be very dangerous for both mother and baby! Read more…