How can a newborn be laid? Video
When a child appears, parents are often afraid to harm him with their awkward movements and actions. Most of the time, a newborn baby spends in a dream, so it is very important that his sleeping place and posture are as comfortable as possible and not cause inconvenience to the child.
Where should a newborn sleep
The best option for placing a child for sleep is to provide him with a separate bed.
You can find a huge variety of them in stores, but the main recommendations for choosing can be reduced to the following:
- the bed should be made of natural materials (preferably wood)
- the mattress must be firm enough (coconut mattresses have worked well)
- during the first year of life, the baby does not need a pillow (in order not to frequently change bedding, you can use a diaper)
- the walls of the crib should be soft so that the baby does not hit during sleep
To provide your child with comfort in the bed, you can purchase special soft sides for her. They will protect your baby from shock, light, excess dust and noise
It is possible to organize a joint sleep with the baby. This is convenient for the mother, who will not need to get up often at night, and for the baby, who will sleep more calmly, feeling the closeness of a loved one. However, it should be borne in mind that a newborn needs a lot of space, so in some cases the dad will have to be evicted from the family bed. In addition, the mattress of an adult bed may not be very suitable for a toddler. Joint sleep is not recommended for those parents who fall asleep too deeply, because the baby can inadvertently be touched or hit in a dream.
How to properly lay an infant
In order not to harm the baby’s spine, it must be properly laid. To smoothly lower the baby into the bed, put one hand under the head and neck, and hold the back with the other.
If possible, then when laying down, you should keep the baby as close to the chest as possible. Hands should not be released very quickly so that the baby has time to get used to the hard surface.
The child needs to be turned over on the side, supporting the head, and covered with a blanket. To prevent the baby from turning back, you can put a roller or towel twisted from a diaper under his back. Instead of a pillow at first, you can also use a four-fold diaper. Likewise, you should put the baby in the stroller.
If the baby is still awake, then you should not quickly leave the crib, you can stroke him a little, talk to him affectionately.
Not all babies are comfortable sleeping on their sides.
Some doctors recommend placing the newborn on its stomach. In this case, the head must be turned to the side, it is convenient to place it on the sides of the handle and straighten the legs.
Also interesting to read: Hiccups in a newborn.