How bees hibernate in plastic hives

The wintering of bees in hives, or rather, preparation for this period, is a crucial moment, which is started at the end of the honey season. Wintering, depending on climatic conditions, lasts from 2 months to six months. In order for bee colonies to come out healthy by spring, it is necessary to properly organize wintering and carry out timely care. The condition of the bees and the successful exit from wintering depend on regular monitoring of bees in winter.

What do bees do in their hives in winter?

On warm days, you can monitor the activity of the bees, but from November to March they become less active, do not fly out of the hive and consume a small amount of food.

With the onset of winter, the bees begin to carefully clog the cracks, insulate the walls with propolis, and make the exit as narrow as possible. Such painstaking work will protect the bee colony from cold and precipitation.

After the work done, the insects gather into a dense living ball, which is formed from the outside by immobile old bees, and the inside by live young ones. With constant movement, the bees release energy and thereby create the temperature necessary for life.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

The winter tangle is located near the tray to regulate the flow of air and the removal of carbon dioxide from the hive. When the temperature rises or falls, the bee lump expands or contracts. If the weather is sunny and windless in winter, the bees fly out of the hive and circle over the apiary, making a cleansing flight.

Regardless of the air temperature outside, the temperature in the hives is stable within + 17 °C.

Once a week, it is recommended to listen to the hives, since the state of the bee colony can be determined by the hum of the bees:

  • a quiet, even rumble – the wintering of bees in the hive is favorable;
  • barely audible rustling – speaks of a weakening of the family, in this case, top dressing is necessary;
  • in the absence of movement, the bee colony is considered dead.

At the end of February, the activity of bees increases, as it is necessary to raise the temperature in the hive for successful oviposition. At this time, careful care and additional feeding are needed.

Advice! The future honey flow depends on how the bees overwinter.

Poorly overwintered families meet spring hungry and weakened. Often in such bee colonies the uterus dies, and various diseases appear.

Winter is the most responsible and difficult period of time for bees. Since on cold days they selflessly fight for survival and make every effort to start working in the spring and produce delicious, healthy honey.

How to properly prepare bees for wintering, depending on the modification of the hives

Their viability in the spring depends on the correct preparation of bees for wintering. Preparatory work begins at the end of August, the execution technique directly depends on the type of hive. There are a number of rules for preparing for wintering, which beekeepers must follow, regardless of the type of hive:

  • inspection of the hive;
  • disease prevention;
  • nest formation;
  • strengthening bee colonies;
  • additional feeding;
  • hive insulation;
  • choose the right area, protected from drafts and precipitation.

Bee houses are set on pedestals so that when the snow melts, they are not flooded. If the apiary is large, the hives are set in a tight row to reduce the number of walls blown by the wind.

Preparing bees for winter in a multi-hull hive

Proper preparation of bees for winter in multi-hull hives is a responsible job, since the health of the family depends on it. On frosty days, the bees are inactive, so moving to the side is difficult. It is easier for them to move straight up, towards the feed, warmed by the air flow, bypassing all the partitions. Therefore, even small families will better endure the winter in a double-hull hive.

Prepare for wintering immediately after the main bribe. For this:

  • light brown frames are left, as the queen bee is more likely to lay eggs in them;
  • sugared honey is removed from the hive;
  • discard old, unusable combs;
  • leave 2 tiers: the lower one for the nest, the upper one for food supplies.

Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to correct and arrange the framework. Leave honey and sealed frames. 2 with perga are installed along the edges of the upper tier, they will be needed by the bees at the end of wintering.

Important! Half-empty frames in a multi-hull hive should not be.

Preparing bees for winter in sunbeds

The main advantage of overwintering insects in sun loungers is the low labor intensity of the actions, since you do not need to waste time and effort on rearranging heavy cases with honey. One person will be able to prepare bees for wintering in hives with no additional effort.

To do this:

  • at the end of summer, the hives are moved to fields with late honey plants, to feed the bees;
  • after that, store frames are removed to inspect and determine the condition of bee colonies;
  • since the width of the lounger is large, before the first frosts, the parameters are reduced by reducing the frames on the side of the tray.

This procedure will create a kind of passage in which the air will be heated, which normalizes heat and air exchange.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

How to prepare a bee colony for wintering in rue hives

The preparation of striped workers for wintering in Ruth hives differs from the preparatory work in other types of hives. Wintering can be organized in two ways:

  1. In two buildings. To do this, a nest is built on the lower tier, and the upper one will serve as a feeder. The number of honey frames depends on the strength of the family. If there is no stock, then in August they install an empty case and feed the bees with sugar syrup. Over time, the bees will quickly make up for the missing losses.
  2. In one building. First of all, the nest space is limited by installing a thin diaphragm on 2 sides. Next, a piece of polyethylene or canvas is laid on the eyelets, be sure to bend 1 edge. From above, a liner, a ceiling, an empty tier and a roof are installed. When cold weather sets in, the diaphragm is replaced with a heater and the upper notch is closed. For better ventilation, thin strips are distributed under the ceiling for the free flow of fresh air.

Features of wintering bees in hives of various types

Preparing for wintering is an important period for the beekeeper, since it depends on him whether the bee colonies will meet the spring or not. A successful outcome depends on the type of hive. The main thing is to choose one that will meet all the requirements.

Wintering of bees in the enclosures of dadan

In order for the bees living in the double-hull Dadan hive to enter the wintering strong, they must be periodically fed with honey or sugar syrup. They start feeding in the last days of August, especially in the absence of a bribe. According to experienced beekeepers, a healthy, strong family must fill 6 or more Dadan frames before wintering.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

Before assembling the nest, it is necessary to reduce the number of frames so that there is enough food for all family members. The definition of extra frames is made during the inspection. The procedure is carried out once a week. At each inspection, those frames on which there is no sowing are removed.

After removing the extra frames, they begin to form a nest:

  1. Bilateral – this method is used to prepare for the wintering of large bee colonies settled in 10-12 streets. In the middle, 2-4 frames with honey and bee bread are installed (the feed should be about 2 kg). On both sides of the central frames, there are completely honey with a feed volume of up to 4 kg. In general, the number of frames should correspond to the volume of food in 25 kg.
  2. Angular – the method is intended for a small family who were able to populate 7-9 streets before winter. With this method, a full-fledged honey frame is installed on one side, and the following are arranged in descending order. The end frame should contain about 2 kg of honey. All other honey frames are put into storage.
  3. beard – suitable for a weak family. A honey frame is set in the center, all subsequent in descending order. To provide bees with food for the whole winter, the supply of honey should be at least 10 kg. In order for the bees to correctly go for food, bars are set perpendicularly for them as a guide.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

When wintering bees in the wild in beehives, the beekeeper is limited in control and assistance to bee colonies. Free wintering has its pros and cons. The pluses include:

  • there are no costs for the construction of a winter hut;
  • insects independently carry out a cleansing flight;
  • in the spring, honey harvesting begins earlier.

Cons of free wintering:

  • there should be a lot of food, the frames should be sealed with honey by 2/3;
  • the territory should be protected from the wind, and the hives should be shaded from direct sunlight;
  • bird protection must be installed;
  • weak families in the wild do not overwinter, so they are added to stronger ones, through a blank partition.

There are many types of hives in beekeeping, but beekeepers recommend that beginners send their bees to hives with narrow frames for the winter. Since they have many advantages:

  • hives are easy to use;
  • honeycombs are placed in 3 rows and are in one-piece cassettes with frames;
  • they are easy to insert and remove;
  • the hive is equipped with several entrances that do not allow the accumulation of bees at the entrance;
  • fodder stocks for the winter are at the family’s head;
  • honey reserves are located on a long, narrow path, which facilitates the feeding process.

Wintering of bees in multi-hull hives

Most beekeepers do not recommend keeping insects in a multi-body hive, despite the greater honey production. There are several disadvantages of wintering in a multi-hull hive:

  1. Most often, insect pests occur at the beginning or end of winter due to brood. Because of it, the bees fly out of the house later, bring pollen and nectar at the wrong time, which leads to a lack of food.
  2. In the hives there is a young queen bee, which was bred shortly before the onset of cold weather.
  3. In a multi-hull hive, the nest quickly overheats.
  4. The hive is often attacked by ticks and mice.

To make wintering comfortable, preparation is carried out at the end of summer: at this time, the uterus is taken out, and the bees prepare supplies for the winter.

Wintering takes place in a 2-tier hive. 8 frames are left at the bottom and top of the lower tier. There should be no food in the lower combs. Up to 2 frames are left in the middle of the upper case, they are not completely filled from below. After the first flight, the bee colony must be fed. If there is enough food, then by the end of wintering, the bees will move to the upper building, while the lower one is removed.

In order for insects to feel comfortable all winter, it is necessary to properly assemble the hive. Work begins at the beginning of autumn, later it is impossible to carry out, since you can greatly disturb the bees.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

The figure shows a variant of how to keep honey warm and moist. This design will not interfere with the movement of the bee ball. The lower housing will be empty, which will help the bees not suffer from a lack of oxygen. When preparing a hive using this technology, the occurrence of mold and parasites is unlikely, and the bees will not be steamed. As they absorb food, the bees gradually move to the upper tier, and in the spring they completely free the lower body.

Wintering bees in rue hives

A multi-hull rutovsky hive, with proper assembly and the correct formation of a nest with plenty of food, is an ideal place for wintering. Strong and medium families for the winter are located in 2 buildings, weak hives overwinter in 1 Ruta hives. In the upper compartment, a squeezed nest is placed on full-length honeycombs.

When forming a nest, it is necessary to control the number of filled frames. They should be 1 less than the streets of bees. For good heat transfer, Guillaume barrier boards are placed on both sides of the walls. In the lower tier there are no more than 2 small cells. Food that is required for wintering is best stored in storerooms.

How to organize a warm home:

  1. Insulation and polyethylene are laid on the framework of the upper body. They will serve as a thermal cushion.
  2. The upper and slot entrances are opened in order to get rid of carbon dioxide.

Pros and cons of wintering bees in hives made of PPU and PPS

New generation materials




the hive is not subject to the process of decay and the formation of mold;

good moisture resistance;

has thermal insulation properties;

long shelf life;

good sound insulation;

easy care;

light weight;

great for big families.


under the influence of direct sunlight quickly collapses;

the house needs painting;

parts must be replaced every 5 years;

due to the low weight, a weighting agent is needed;

average ventilation;

high price.


cases of the same size, which allows them to be rearranged;

does not absorb moisture;

good ventilation;

the hive is easy to use.


cases are poorly cleaned of propolis;

when disinfecting, you can not use a blowtorch;

water accumulates at the bottom of the hive.

Wintering of bees in beehives

The hive-lounger is ideal for beginners. In sunbeds, you can easily rearrange, remove or add frames. Winter stocks will be placed vertically, and the bee ball will be able to consume honey from above.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

Only strong families need to have a sunbed for wintering in a hive. If the colony is weakened, it will move towards the exit, leaving the feeder behind. In order for the winter to pass without loss, you need to follow the advice of experienced beekeepers:

  1. If the hive has 1 notch, then the nest is located in the center, if 2, above and below – the nest is located in the middle of the dwelling, if up to 4 notches – the nests are located at the edges.
  2. To protect against dampness, additional ventilation is provided.
  3. It is important to insulate the nest from air and water permeable material.
  4. Mousetraps are set up next to the apiary.
  5. When winters are cold, the hive is cleaned in a warm room.
  6. Special windshields are installed on the front wall.
  7. The hives are regularly cleaned of deadness, as they reduce the ventilation of the air and the bees suffer from a lack of oxygen.
Important! In order for the wintering to be successful, the bees must be at rest.

At the end of February, the bee colony needs to be fed, as the bee, breaking away from the club in search of food, dies.

Wintering bees in Finnish hives

Wintering in Finnish hives can easily take place in the open air. The houses are lightweight and in severe frosts they can be moved to a specially prepared, insulated place.

The accumulated condensate freely exits from below, the bottom is closed with a special valve. With the onset of spring days, insects freely begin their spring flight.

How bees hibernate in plastic hives

Since the design has a high moisture resistance, dark spots and mold do not appear on the walls of Finnish hives.


The wintering of bees in hives improves every year. Recently, different options have been used, especially in multi-hull hives. Wintering must be approached with all responsibility: strengthen families, prepare food, if there is a need to patch cracks and cracks. Properly prepared bee colony is the key to a good wintering.

Wintering bees in beds

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