How beautiful to plant tulips on your site

How beautiful to plant tulips on your site

Tulips are one of the most popular primroses used in landscaping. And this is not surprising, because flowers look spectacular both in single plantings and in multiple compositions. There are several ways to plant tulips beautifully. And if you connect your imagination and adhere to the basic rules of design, then creating a unique flower bed will not be a problem.

To get a beautiful flower bed, it is important to use only healthy bulbs when planting. So pay attention to the quality of the planting material. Also, find a good area for your flower bed.

There are basic rules for how to beautifully plant tulips.

Tulips prefer lighted spots, although a little partial shade is allowed. As for the soil, the flowers need light, fertile sandy loam or loam. Please note that crops do not tolerate stagnant moisture well. Therefore, the lowland and slopes are undesirable for them.

How can you beautifully plant tulips on the site?

These flowers look spectacular in a group planting. Although attractive mono compositions are created with them. But then it is better to plant tulips surrounded by other flowers. For example, use pansies, muscari, daffodils, and hyacinths. The main thing is to choose varieties that are suitable for flowering periods.

When planting tulips in numerous groups, follow these rules:

  • Place tall plants in the background or in the center of a round flower garden.
  • In the first row, it is better to plant dwarf varieties.
  • It is advisable to use several types of tulips. For example, mix fringed, regular, and terry varieties. In this case, it is not necessary to plant them in clear groups. It is enough to place the bulbs in a chaotic order to get a field of tulips.
  • When planting crops of different shades, try to give the planting the correct geometric shape. But compositions with zigzags and stripes look no less impressive. The main thing is that the shades of tulips contrast with each other as much as possible.
  • To create the appearance of long-term flowering, plant varieties with different ripening times. Terry varieties bloom first, followed by Darwin’s Hybrids, Triumph and Craig. The last to please the eye are parrot tulips.

Planting tulips beautifully on your site is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose high-quality planting material and connect your imagination. And then the flower bed will attract attention and delight the eye with a riot of spring colors.

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