To propagate astilba correctly, it is enough to use the appropriate method. This perennial ornamental plant is popular among gardeners due to its varietal and color diversity. The reason is that astilbe is often used in landscape design as an independent plant, and in a group with other flowers. The main thing is to propagate the bush, properly plant the divided roots and provide the flower with proper care.
Astilba propagation methods
Before growing a flower in your own area, you need to know exactly how it can be propagated.
Breeding methods:
- Division of roots. The oldest method, carried out by digging up the rhizome of a flower bush and dividing it into elements of 3-4 live buds. It is applied only to an adult plant, most often the division of astilba is carried out in the fall.
- Cuttings. A troublesome method, available at the beginning of the growing season. For reproduction, young rosettes with a couple of leaves are used.
- Kidney renewal. Let’s apply on young bushes during their active spring growth. To do this, the shoots are separated from the main bush along with part of the rhizome (heel).
- Seeds. Such reproduction of astilba is used exclusively by breeders because of its laboriousness and duration – 3 years will pass from the start of work to the appearance of a flowering bush.

Astilbe is a great plant for creating an original design for a home garden.
Astilba breeding dates
Flower division can be carried out from early spring to late autumn. It is only important to decide on the appropriate method of reproduction.
In spring, astilba is usually divided by roots, seeds or cuttings. At the same time, but only in mid-May, it is recommended to carry out the separation of the renewal kidneys.
In summer, if the beginning of the growing season is delayed, it can be propagated by cuttings and buds. The specific time is the first decade of June.
More often, it is in the fall that astilba is propagated by dividing the bush. It is better to plan work at the end of September, so that the separated and re-planted elements have time to take root before frost.

To propagate astilbe, you need to remove a young plant from the ground and divide its rhizome into several components.
Is it possible to propagate astilba cuttings
This method is really applicable to a flower, only there are no cuttings on the plant. They mean young rosettes with several leaves. Such elements are usually found near the rhizome.
Reproduction of astilba by cuttings takes place according to the following scheme:
- Separate young shoots from the main root along with the “heels”.
- Sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal, you can activate it.
- Prepare special soil by mixing 25% sand with 75% peat. Plant blanks in the resulting mixture.
- Cover the cuttings with a film or glass cap.
- Water periodically.

To propagate a flower by cuttings, you will have to find young rosettes on it.
How to propagate astilba by dividing the bush
This method of flower division is used to rejuvenate it. By propagating the “old” astilbe with this method, it will be possible to obtain 3-4 new, more compact seedlings. If the procedure is not carried out for more than 7 years, the plant loses its decorative effect, the number of peduncles decreases every year, the root system gradually dies off.
Reproduction of astilba by dividing the bush goes like this:
- Peduncles and stems are cut at a height of 7 cm from the rhizome.
- The base is dug out, divided into several parts with live kidneys.
- The resulting elements are planted in new holes at a distance of 30-40 cm.
In order for the astilbe to take root better, mineral replenishment, ash and a little hydrogel are added to the pit. The latter will keep a sufficient amount of moisture near the roots for as long as possible. It remains only to water the seedlings, wait until the water is absorbed, then carry out the mulch of the surface layer.

You can divide the “young” astilba with the help of improvised means: a knife or secateurs
Site selection and soil preparation
Since astilba grows best away from the sun, the ideal place to plant it is next to large garden trees. Sun exposure to the flower is permissible only in the morning or evening hours. In this case, it will bloom much longer. It is good if a suitable site is located next to a reservoir. Otherwise, the plant will have to be constantly watered.
To prepare the soil, it is enough to dig it up, remove the remains of past plantations, add a few buckets of humus or organic compost.

The landing site should be in a low place, away from direct sunlight.
How to Dig and Divide Astilba
Once every few years, the flower needs a mandatory transplant. To do this, the plant needs to be dug up and propagated. In order not to damage the rhizome, it must be watered with several buckets of water the day before the procedure. So the soil will become softer and it will be much easier to get a bush out of it. If the root is young (2-3 years old), it can be propagated by hand, otherwise a shovel will be required.
If astilbe is propagated in autumn after flowering, then 5-6 buds should be present on each new element of the rhizome, otherwise it will be more difficult for the flower to survive the winter.
Rules of landing
You can plant blanks in open ground no earlier than mid-May. The exact period depends on the region where the work is carried out.
- Dig a hole up to 30 cm deep.
- Put ash, humus and mineral components on the bottom. Mix top dressing, pour water.
- Place the root with the cuttings in the hole, without deepening it to the very end.
- Fill with fresh earth, lightly tamp, water again, then mulch with sawdust or peat.

The pit for planting should not be very deep, otherwise the flower will take longer to take root in a new place
How to propagate astilba with renewal buds
The following division technique is completely different from propagating astilbe with cuttings. In this case, the rhizome is not divided into equal parts, but selectively. Only young shoots (renewal buds) are of particular value. They need to be cut off with a part of the root, and the impact site should be treated with ash. Place the resulting seedlings in a pot with a substrate of equal amounts of sand and peat. Astilba can be transferred to open ground only in the spring of next year, so that the shoots have time to get stronger.
Care of plantings
Before dividing astilba in the fall and preparing it for the next season, you need to understand the basic steps for proper care.
- Watering. The flower does not tolerate drought, so on hot summer days it will have to be moistened twice. To keep moisture in the ground, it is enough to mulch its top layer.
- Top dressing. In order for a perennial plant to please gardeners with abundant flowering even after reproduction, it is enough to stimulate its rhizome with potassium and phosphorus. First feeding
- produce until the moment of bud break, and the second – in the fall.
- Weeding.
- Weeds can become carriers of various diseases. Their timely removal will protect the flower bed from many problems.
Propagating astilbe on your own is not so difficult if you know exactly how and at what time of the year this procedure is acceptable. This is a completely unpretentious flower with a large varietal variety, so it will definitely be able to satisfy the needs of even the most selective gardeners.