How are the lives of those who have been poisoned saved?

“We act like firefighters, so when something breaks down, we try to fix it” – said Lek in the Onet Rano program. med. Eryk Matuszkiewicz, toxicologist. How are the lives of those who have been poisoned saved?

First aid for poisoning

A few days ago, Alexei Navalny, one of the opposition leaders in Our Country, was hospitalized. His colleagues suspect that he has been poisoned. Currently, the patient’s condition is described as stably severe.

Toxicologist drug. Eryk Matuszkiewicz explained in the Onet Morning program what first aid looks like in case of suspected poisoning. – We act like firefighters, i.e. when something breaks down, we try to fix it. If someone is breathing badly, we connect him to a ventilator, if the pressure drops, we try to increase it. The best situation would be when we knew what the person was poisoned by, because then we could use the antidote, he said.

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