But is it always possible to say with certainty, for example, that a woman acts as a woman, even in the case of a classical heterosexual couple? And in general, what does it mean – “to be a man” or “to be a woman”? Passivity, expectation of penetration – is this behavior inherent in female nature or is it just a cliché?
“But is it always possible to say with certainty, for example, that a woman acts as a woman, even in the case of a classical heterosexual couple? And in general, what does it mean – “to be a man” or “to be a woman”? Passivity, expectation of penetration – is this behavior inherent in female nature or is it just a cliché? The truly feminine principle is traditionally associated in our view with acceptance, concessions and lack of responsibility for the awakening of desire. The masculine principle implies activity, desire and aggression. Meanwhile, roles can change both in a heterosexual and in a homosexual couple, if we are discussing not only the mechanism of the physical connection of bodies.
Why do we want to look under someone else’s blanket so much? A similar curiosity manifests itself in the desire to look through the keyhole (just as in childhood we were drawn to peep what our parents were doing in the bedroom). What does this interest mean? At a deep unconscious level, it is difficult for us to fully accept our gender and, therefore, to give up the opportunity to think of ourselves differently. Therefore, a homosexual union fascinates us: after all, sometimes you really want to get rid of your usual role and, fantasizing, try on the “skin” of the opposite sex. That is why we are so attracted to confusion, confusion of roles. We like to think that a homosexual can handle both roles.
CATHERINE BLANC, author of Women’s Sexuality (La sexualite des femmes n’est pas celle des magazines, La martiniere, 2004).
However, this thought not only pleasantly excites, but also scares away. Therefore, we want to consider (and this reassures us) that in a homosexual union the roles are distributed in the same way as in a heterosexual relationship: we want to establish a difference between partners at all costs! Essentially, this question refers us to our own doubts, our secret sexual desires, our libido.