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Fever, cough, fatigue, loss of taste or smell are the most common symptoms of COVID-19 caused by the Alpha mutation. However, the virus transforms itself, and with the new variants, other symptoms appear. How have coronavirus symptoms changing recently? How is the infection manifested by the fully dominant Delta variant in our country? And what signals should you pay special attention to now? In “Dziennik Zachodni” explained the national consultant in the field of intensive care, dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Maciejewski.

  1. While at the beginning of the pandemic, disorders of the sense of smell and / or taste were one of the common symptoms of the infection, now – with the Delta variant – they are rare
  2. In infection with the Coronavirus Delta mutation, the first symptom is a headache, then a sore throat, often with a runny nose and high temperature. At a later stage, there are gastric ailments
  3. Experts point out that the symptoms of COVID-19 closely resemble other viral infections. How to avoid a mistake? And what to do when we notice such symptoms in ourselves or in our child?
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

COVID-19 symptoms. What are the symptoms of the Delta mutation? The doctor explains

In Poland, we already have the fourth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of infections is growing and actually 100%. the Delta coronavirus variant is responsible for them. How do you know if you have been infected? At the beginning of the pandemic, when we were dealing with the Alpha mutation, the characteristic symptoms of the developing infection were high temperature, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell and / or taste, and muscle aches. However, the coronavirus changes to create more mutations, and with them, slightly different symptoms come along. This is also the case with Delta.

– The first symptom is a headache, then a sore throat appears, often with a runny nose and high temperature, but there are no disorders of the smell or taste disorder – describes Dariusz Maciejewski, national consultant in the field of intensive care and head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Provincial Hospital in Bielsko-Biała.

As he emphasizes, as the disease progresses, gastric ailments appear: nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain may occur. With the Delta mutation, hearing impairment, sneezing, pseudoangin symptoms are more often observed.

  1. Do you have some of the above symptoms and are worried they could be COVID-19? Check it out, buy it and get COVID-19 Rapid Saliva Antigen Test. A large selection of COVID-19 tests can be found on Medonet Market in the COVID-19 Shipment Tests category.

It follows from the above that developing an infection with the Delta mutation initially produces more flu-like symptoms (but also other viral infections), so there is a risk of confusing these diseases. How to avoid it? There is only one way.

How To Distinguish A Cold Or Flu From Coronavirus Infection? There is one way

In a recent interview with Medonet, the contagious doctor Dr. Lidia Stopyra emphasized that on the basis of the clinical picture (i.e. symptoms) we are not able to recognize whether we are dealing with SARS-CoV-2 or with other viruses causing infections. – We are able to make an early diagnosis only on the basis of a coronavirus test. Hence, it is so important not to give up on it, not to be afraid of it The doctor said.

The specialist also addressed these words to people vaccinated against COVID-19. – If the vaccinated person develops minor symptoms, they should also be tested. We know that the vaccinated can also be contagious, but to a much lesser extent.

Testing is one thing, but when we’re feeling down we can’t forget another very important principle: isolation. This means that we do not go to the clinic, night / holiday care or HED. We should contact a health care physician who, depending on the situation, will order a coronavirus test or a direct visit. Of course, this does not apply to situations where the symptoms are serious – there is a high fever, severe cough, shortness of breath – then we call an ambulance or go to the hospital. The entire interview with Dr. Lidia Stopyra.

Symptoms that cannot be ignored. List

In the case of the Alpha, Delta, but also Beta and Gamma mutations, the situation is so good that they are the only one out of 10-11 variants that gives characteristic symptoms. As Dariusz Maciejewski says, the others are dangerous, but still local, mutations of the coronavirus, which give different symptoms due to the different immune resistance of each person and the specificity of the geographical location. The biggest concern is currently the mutation from Peru, the so-called L4502Q, which can cause a variety of symptoms, including very violent.

What ailments should you pay special attention to in the coming season? According to the national intensive care consultant, these are in particular:

  1. fever
  2. dry cough
  3. fatigue often combined with muscle pain
  4. a sore throat that patients associate with strep throat
  5. chronic fatigue
  6. lack of concentration (occurs in the early stage of illness)

loss of taste or smell is less common.

– I do not think that we need to sensitize people to any specific symptoms, but that in the coming flu season they do not ignore the flu symptoms of greater intensity than normal, get vaccinated against the flu and vaccines against COVID-19 – emphasizes in the “Dziennik Zachodni” Dr. hab. n. med. Dariusz Maciejewski. – There is no point in deluding ourselves that we will be able to deal with the virus in one vaccination season. We need to vaccinate in large numbers and for several years, then it will have some effect – adds the specialist.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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