The singer, host of the “Wedding Size” program on the “Domashny” channel, shared her secrets of harmony.
– I’ve tried every possible diet. I found some in the press, some on the Internet. I followed the methods of losing weight from Western stars and folk recipes. But the effect was far from what was expected.
Once I read that if you eat only green apples, you will quickly lose weight. I tested it. After a week, the body no longer perceived malic acid. It was only when I met a professional nutritionist that I changed my attitude to such experiments on myself. For me, dietology used to be akin to shamanism or fortune-telling. The doctor, based on the characteristics of my body, made an individual diet for me. Thanks to his advice, I not only lost weight, but at the same time filled with energy and good mood. The complexion and skin condition improved so much that my friends suspected me of regular visits to the beautician. And I just started eating right.
I eat a little 5-6 times a day. And the body is so used to this regime that every two hours I feel hungry. The most difficult thing for me was to refuse food after 22:00. When I was a child, my family and I sat down to dinner late, when all the adults returned from work, ate something tasty, high-calorie and with the TV running. And it was very difficult to unlearn this habit. She still worries me sometimes.
I don’t have a very good breakfast. A small bowl of oatmeal in water, seasoned with dried fruits and a spoonful of honey is enough for me. I cook meat and fish on steam, grill, charcoal or open fire, bake in the oven or microwave. There are tons of delicious dishes that you don’t need to fry in oil. I am very fond of soups: vegetable, fish or meat broths.
She completely refused salty food, although it was not easy. I’m Korean, I like spicy, salty. Of course, I can afford to eat dishes with salt at a party, if the hosts have not prepared anything dietary.
Still, 80% of my diet is low-fat, unsalted food. So that water does not linger in the body, the pressure does not jump, there was no swelling. I need to shine on stage. So this kind of food is not for me. She refused sweets easily, never loved them much. But I can pamper myself with a small piece of lard with brown bread and garlic, or, having arrived in Uzbekistan, I can eat a small plate of pilaf.
On the condition that the next day I will unload myself. The main thing is to eat slowly, catching a buzz from the taste sensations. You need to consume food slowly, calmly, with the knowledge of what you are eating. In a hurry, gorging usually occurs.
I drink at least two liters of water a day, although at first it was hard. I literally choked on her. But now teas, coffee, juices have faded into the background, since pure water takes up almost all the place in the body. Metabolism has improved significantly.
And, of course, any weight loss is unthinkable without sports. I’ve always been skeptical about gyms. I love fresh air, drive, adrenaline, skydiving, rock climbing, diving. And in the gym I developed claustrophobia: walls of the same color, monotonous movements, stuffiness.
My opinion changed when I was invited to the “Wedding Size” program, where I met the trainer Eduard Kanevsky. And in the process of filming, I saw what results his wards achieve. So I went up to Edward and, despite my dislike of the halls, asked him to study with me. Now we train on a regular basis three times a week for an hour. At first, like the heroes of the project, I wanted to kill him, to fade, it was so hard for the body to adjust. But now I understand how important it is to exercise regularly. Moreover, the coach approaches each client individually. Edward sees when I am tired, overworked, gives a less load, varies the exercises. It controls, stimulates, does not allow you to relax.
After strength training, I definitely go to the hammam, lie on warm stones. Then I go for a massage.
I can say that after I went in for sports and started eating right, I forgot about my thyroid problems. I was already developing dysfunction. Now I don’t remember the pills. And I feel good. You can live without drugs. However, I have nothing against, as it is called, alternative medicine. Respiratory gymnastics, acupuncture, acupuncture – all this is also effective. I have had my own center for oriental medicine for several years now, so I know what I’m talking about.