How and why our weight changes at different stages of life

The fitness guru has put everything on the shelves.

The editorial staff of gladly uses the advice from the book of a certified fitness trainer with 15 years of experience Alena Murlaeva “SMART HLS. No harsh diets and grueling workouts. ” In it, Alena tells how to eat right without exhausting diets and at the same time not give up your favorite sweets, why you should stop counting calories, how to exercise with pleasure and much, much more. Together with the Eksmo publishing house, we share with you an excerpt from the book.

A person’s weight is not a constant indicator and can change throughout his adult life. There are many factors that can affect this: starting with a change in status and ending with the natural aging processes. And, as a rule, the weight does not change for the better!

What to do? The main thing is not to panic, but to accept the change in your body as a fact and work with it!

Let’s look at the most common periods of weight change.

Studying at the University

Not all, but many begin to grow up towards weight gain during this period. According to the results of a meta-analysis of 22 studies published in the American journal BMC Obesity, in the first year of study, about 60% of students gain 3-4 kg. This is due to the fact that there is freedom and the feeling that everything is possible. And this “everything is possible” often applies to the diet. New friends, habits, new life circumstances appear … Sleepless nights before the sessions make the stress seize, as a rule, than come to hand. And the right food comes last.


No matter how trite it sounds, but you need to sleep, find time for sports and while preparing for exams, stock up on healthy snacks.

Life hack: replace chips with pistachios. They are harder to eat!


You graduated from college and found a job. Finally, you take on yourself and start trying different diets to get in shape. And at this stage of life, you gain another 3-4 kg. Why?

Let’s remember what happens “on diets”. When the body stops getting its usual calorie intake, it activates the physiological mechanisms responsible for feeling hungry and increasing body fat. A rigid diet leads to the fact that you focus on certain foods and deny yourself a lot, which leads to breakdowns and a set of extra pounds.


You cannot fight with your body and impose severe restrictions on it. Listen to yourself and eat thoughtfully, enjoy (chapter “Mindful eating”).

Also try to make time for physical activity. You can always find it! Finally, leave your car – walk.

The first years of family life

Changed status – changed clothes size! But why? What happens when people exchange rings? What heavenly grace makes them fat?

But what …

When entering into a relationship, people:

  • start to eat more for the company;

  • move less for the company;

  • forget about their appearance;

  • stop any diets followed in order to fit into a dress or so that the tailcoat sat down perfectly.

After all, everything has already happened, you can relax.


Do not use extreme diets before the wedding, they will inevitably lead to weight gain after. Start grooming yourself a lot ahead of time!

If, before the wedding, you adhered to a healthy diet, unlike your partner, do not adopt bad habits, but try to persuade him to the “bright side”.

Love and respect each other. Yes, yes, your inner state inevitably affects your appearance. Research shows that couples who are in harmonious relationships maintain weight from the early days of marriage to adulthood.


After giving birth, it is not easy for a woman to return to her previous shape. Firstly, the hormonal background changes, and secondly, everything that you did to maintain your figure before pregnancy fades into the background. You have a newborn.

According to the journal Obstetrics & Gyecology (“Obstetrics and Gynecology”), about a third of women whose body mass index was normal before giving birth, a year after they gain weight or begin to suffer from obesity.


It is advisable to think about yourself no later than six months after the birth of the child. And this does not mean to say to yourself: “How fat I am! Everything! Finishing eating and moving on to a tight training schedule! “

Not at all!

The first thing to do is think about when you can make time for sleep. “Sleep deprivation makes the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety start to work in a very different way,” says Tracy Beckerman, a nutritionist in New York City.

Be indulgent towards yourself! Don’t blame yourself for your weight, but rather consider how healthy eating will make you feel better. Let every meal be a step towards a healthy lifestyle for you. Yes, you ate three candies while washing the dishes, so what ?! You have a chance to improve – eat a healthy dinner.

You quit smoking

Even those who really want to quit smoking do not do so primarily for fear of gaining weight. You can’t argue here! When you quit smoking, you can indeed gain a few pounds, as nicotine suppresses appetite.

The feeling of hunger in those who have recently quit smoking is stronger, and they often feel like snacking due to the habit of holding something in their hands. And instead of a cigarette, food falls into the hand, of course, not very useful.


Try to have healthy snacks on hand: an apple, a banana or some other fruit, nuts, dark chocolate. Anything is better than chips or cookies.

Do not think that you will get better. Fear won’t give you strength!

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