How and where to store veal correctly?

How and where to store veal correctly?

How and where to store veal correctly?

How and where to store veal correctly?

Veal has a high moisture content, so its shelf life does not differ in duration. This type of meat is stored for the longest time in the freezer, and in all other cases it is better to eat it as soon as possible.

Nuances of storing veal:

  • during storage, veal must be wrapped in cloth or polyethylene (such a nuance is necessary for maximum moisture retention);
  • if ice is used when storing veal in the refrigerator, then the meat must be wrapped with cling film or cloth and only then placed in ice;
  • veal can be stored in ice water (the meat is poured with the coldest liquid possible and placed in the refrigerator);
  • it is not recommended to wash veal before storage (the liquid can provoke the release of juice and provoke rapid evaporation of moisture);
  • you can preserve the juiciness of veal using foil (meat wrapped in foil should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator);
  • foil during storage of veal can be replaced with thick paper or oilcloth;
  • under no circumstances should the veal be re-frozen ;;
  • if the veal has not been eaten within two days, then it can be frozen (if you freeze the veal after three days of storage or more, then its taste and structure may be disturbed);
  • if the surface of the veal has become sticky, then it is not recommended not only to store it, but also to eat it (such meat begins to deteriorate due to improper storage);
  • sudden changes in temperature have a negative effect on the structure of the meat (veal can become coarse and fibrous);
  • in the refrigerator, veal can be stored in a closed container, but it should be eaten as soon as possible;
  • at a temperature of +4 degrees, veal in the refrigerator can only be stored for a day, so the place for it must be chosen as cold as possible (the lower shelves of the refrigerator are not suitable for this);
  • minced veal cannot be stored in the refrigerator in an open form (the workpiece must be placed in a container, plastic bag or wrapped in foil, oilcloth or cling film);
  • if polyethylene is used when storing veal, then it is worth considering the fact that the meat will be stored less (polyethylene should be used only if absolutely necessary);
  • You can store only high-quality veal (if the meat was bought after improper storage conditions or was chosen as low-quality, then even the correct temperature regime will not be able to return the original taste characteristics to the veal);
  • defrosted veal can be stored for no longer than 2 days in the refrigerator.

You can extend the shelf life of veal by several days by placing it in any marinade. The most commonly used mixture is water, onions and vinegar. Any meat marinades are suitable for veal, so you can choose their compositions at your discretion.

How much and at what temperature to store veal

It is not recommended to store veal for a long time in any way. Even after freezing this meat, you should eat it as early as possible. Due to the increased juiciness, it quickly loses its taste properties and becomes tough, therefore, the longer the veal is stored, the more dramatically its structure will change. The average shelf life of this type of meat in the freezer is a maximum of 10 months.

At room temperature, veal can be kept no longer than a few hours, and in the refrigerator – no more than 3-4 days. To keep the meat juicy, it is recommended to store it on ice or in ice water. When using ice, certain rules must be followed.

The relationship between temperature and shelf life of veal:

  • from 0 to +1 degrees – 3 days;
  • from +1 to +4 degrees – 1 day;
  • from +1 to +2 – 2 days;
  • at room temperature – maximum 8 hours.

Minced veal is stored in the refrigerator for an average of 8-9 hours. After this time, the process of changing the structure will begin. The moisture will evaporate and the minced meat will be dry.

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