How and where to store tangerines correctly?

How and where to store tangerines correctly?

How and where to store tangerines correctly?

In the refrigerator, when the desired temperature is created, tangerines can be stored for one month. (provided they are correctly selected and fresh enough). The average shelf life of these fruits is ten days.

Tangerines, which were not stored correctly, gradually begin to dry out, lose their juiciness and presentation. The citrus taste becomes less pronounced and the aroma diminishes. At the same time, the peel dries to the pulp and separates poorly.

The shelf life is influenced by the variety of tangerines and the color of their peel.:

  • yellow tangerines remain fresh for at least two weeks at a temperature of + 1-2 degrees;
  • greenish tangerines are stored at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees (also the average shelf life is at least two weeks).

Abkhazian and Moroccan tangerines have the longest shelf life, while Turkish and Spanish varieties deteriorate faster. Citrus fruits can be distinguished not only by labels, but also visually. In the first and second versions, the fruits have a light yellow or yellow rind, are distinguished by a sweet taste and a porous skin. Turkish mandarins have a smooth skin surface, while Spanish varieties are the largest.

Under the right storage conditions, some varieties of mandarins can last 3-4 months. The main nuance in this case is the degree of fruit ripeness. If the tangerines are not too ripe, then it is easier to keep them for a long time.

Where and how to store tangerines

It is recommended to store tangerines in a special compartment of the refrigerator for vegetables and fruits. If difficulties arise with the choice of a compartment, then you need to take care of creating the optimal temperature. For tangerines, the mark should not exceed +6 degrees. If the temperature is too low or, conversely, high temperature, the tangerines will either start to deteriorate or freeze, which will also violate their taste.

There are several tricks and rules that can help you extend the shelf life of tangerines.:

  • if you lightly rub the peel of tangerines with vegetable oil, then their surface will look fresh throughout the entire shelf life (you must use a minimum amount of oil);
  • if possible, it is better to buy tangerines with a sprig (such citrus fruits are stored longer and retain an attractive appearance);
  • you cannot store tangerines in a plastic bag or cling film (citrus fruits definitely need air);
  • during storage, it is necessary to provide the tangerines with sufficient moisture and prevent the peel from drying out);
  • in the refrigerator, tangerines must be stored in a net;
  • tangerines with the first signs of drying or decay must be isolated from other fruits (otherwise, the entire supply of citrus fruits will deteriorate rapidly);
  • if the apartment has an insulated or non-ventilated balcony, then tangerines can be stored here in winter (it is better to use a wooden box without a lid and with gaps between the slats as a storage container);
  • it is not recommended to store tangerines at room temperature (citrus fruits deteriorate very quickly in such conditions);
  • if there is damage on the surface of the mandarin, then they should be eaten first of all (such citrus fruits cannot be stored);
  • during storage, tangerines must be examined (if tainted citrus fruits are detected, they must be removed).

You can often hear the opinion that wax will help keep the tangerine beautiful and juicy. Such an experiment can be done, but paraffin is very difficult to wash off the hands. Peeling the tangerine will turn into an unpleasant procedure.

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