How and where to store spinach correctly?

How and where to store spinach correctly?

Spinach does not have a long shelf life. Green leaves tend to stay fresh for several days. In order for the spinach to remain juicy and not lose its taste, it is necessary to carefully select the leaves intended for storage and create the necessary temperature regime.

The nuances of storing spinach:

  • spinach is recommended to be eaten as soon as possible, even after a few days of storage, the level of useful elements in it decreases, and the taste becomes less saturated;
  • in the refrigerator, spinach can be stored in a plastic bag (it is not recommended to rinse the leaves beforehand);
  • in the bag in which the spinach is stored, it is imperative to make several holes;
  • spinach can be frozen not only in the form of leaves, but also in the consistency of mashed potatoes (the leaves are blanched and chopped with a blender, and then packed in bags or containers);
  • Spinach puree can be stored in the freezer in disposable plastic cups wrapped in cling film;
  • so that the spinach leaves do not lose their freshness for several days, they can be poured with cold water and refrigerated in this form (such spinach should be eaten within a maximum of 3 days);
  • yellowed, wilted, damaged leaves or leaves with signs of disease or parasites cannot be stored;
  • Ideal for storing young and green spinach leaves (old spinach may become less juicy during storage);
  • if you put spinach leaves in direct sunlight, they can turn yellow within a few hours (such spinach is not suitable for eating due to the lack of juice and lethargy of the leaves);
  • the autumn spinach crop is believed to have a longer shelf life;
  • you should be careful when storing spinach next to greens, vegetables or fruits (overripe fruits can speed up the process of wilting of the leaves, and some types of greens can change the aroma and even taste of spinach);
  • It is also not recommended to store dishes cooked with spinach for a long time (spinach spoils quickly, so the taste of the dish will be spoiled within 2 days).

One way to store spinach is to place it in an enamel pot. If the leaves are dry and fresh enough, you can put them in a saucepan and close the lid tightly. Place the container in a dark and cool enough place. In this state, spinach can stay fresh for several days. It is not worth adding liquid or additional ingredients in this case.

How much and at what temperature to store spinach

In the refrigerator (compartment for herbs or vegetables), spinach can be stored for 4-5 days. At the same time, it is not recommended to allow a sharp temperature drop. Otherwise, when placed in the cold again, the leaves will wither and become less juicy, and the shelf life will be reduced several times.

Frozen spinach can be stored in the freezer for several months… The process of changing the consistency and taste characteristics begins only after 7-9 months, provided that the leaves are not frozen again. In the freezer, spinach can be stored in plastic bags or containers.

At room temperature, spinach will stay fresh for a maximum of 2 days. After this time, the leaves will no longer be juicy. Moisture can accelerate the decay process, and the shelf life can be in direct sunlight. That is why spinach should be placed in a dark, cool place that is constantly ventilated.

If the spinach is stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, it can be stored for about a month. The main condition in this case is the correct sorting of the leaves. The spinach should not be wet, damaged, or sluggish.

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