How and where to store radish correctly?

How and where to store radish correctly?

How and where to store radish correctly?

To store the radish, you do not need to create special storage conditions. It is enough to follow a few important rules, and the root vegetable will retain its taste properties for several months. Radish is best stored outdoors or with regular oxygen supply.

You can store radish in cellars, basements, on the balcony, in the refrigerator. Adequate ventilation is essential in all cases. When placing root vegetables in the refrigerator, it is not recommended to tie plastic bags. Better to use paper bags or regular newspaper instead.

Nuances of radish storage:

  • if there is a lot of radish, then you can store it on the balcony in a box previously sprinkled with sand (sand will protect the skin of root crops from environmental influences and will extend the shelf life);
  • when cutting the tops of a radish, it is necessary to preserve 1-2 cm (if there are a lot of tops, then the radish will become bitter, if not enough, it will store less than the traditional period);
  • only healthy and undamaged root crops are suitable for long-term storage (otherwise the radish will quickly deteriorate);
  • before storing the radish, the roots should not be washed (if the radish has been washed, then it should be eaten within a few days);
  • if there is soil on the radish, then it is simply shaken off (the skin of the radish is not too dense, therefore it is very easy to damage it, and even with scratches on it, root crops will be stored much less);
  • if the radish is stored in a plastic bag, then several holes must be made in it to create a sufficient level of ventilation;
  • if the radish is wet, then it must be dried naturally before storing;
  • it is impossible to dry wet radish in the sun (the taste properties of such root crops change for the worse very quickly);
  • overripe radish is not intended for storage (bitterness may initially be present in such root crops, and during storage this property will only increase);
  • it is better not to cut off the tops from the radish with a knife, but to twist it;
  • it is impossible to store radish in contact or proximity with pears and apples (taste characteristics are disturbed not only in root crops, but also in fruits);
  • on the balcony, it is recommended to store the radish in wooden boxes with ventilation and insulation at the same time;
  • it is impossible in any case to allow condensation to accumulate if the radish is stored in polyethylene (root crops will rot very quickly).

How much and at what temperature to store the radish

The shelf life of a radish is influenced by its variety. Early maturing species are stored less, late maturing – longer. In indoor conditions, early varieties can be stored for 7-10 days, late ones – up to two weeks. A place for storing root crops should be selected as dark as possible and with sufficient ventilation. Do not store radish in closed containers, boxes or tied plastic bags.

In the refrigerator, the radish can be stored for an average of 3 weeks. To accommodate it, special compartments are chosen for vegetables. The cooling process can be carried out after the radish has been at room temperature for several days. So the shelf life can be extended up to a month.

At temperatures below 0 degrees, the radish freezes and changes its taste characteristics. Frozen root vegetables are not suitable for consumption. Not only bitterness appears in them, but also the consistency of the pulp changes.

If the radish is chopped and grated, then it should be eaten as soon as possible.… Such root vegetables cannot be stored at room temperature, and in the refrigerator they do not change their consistency and taste for only 10-12 hours. After this period, juice will begin to stand out from the root crops and the taste will change.

If the radish is stored on the balcony, then the temperature level must be monitored with particular attention. At a temperature below 0 degrees, the roots will freeze, and at a level above +2 degrees, they will begin to wrinkle and deteriorate.

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