How and where to store pink salmon correctly?

How and where to store pink salmon correctly?

Most often, this pink salmon appears on the shelves in frozen, chilled, smoked or salted form. The method of processing fish directly depends on the period and conditions of its further storage. The freshness of smoked and salted options can be preserved for the longest time, but in other cases there are tricks and nuances that allow you to store pink salmon for a long time without losing its taste.

The nuances of storing pink salmon:

  • it is important to remember the rule that fresh fish and pink salmon that have undergone different types of processing cannot be stored in close contact in the refrigerator (such a neighborhood will spoil the taste of both products);
  • if pink salmon was purchased in a vacuum package, then it is not worth opening it before the process of cooking or consumption (fish will remain less in an open package);
  • it is not recommended to store pink salmon in plastic bags (this is especially true for smoked and salted fish);
  • the ideal packaging for storing pink salmon in the refrigerator is foil or food parchment (you should not wrap the fish tightly in paper or foil, a sufficient amount of oxygen should flow to the pink salmon);
  • if you sprinkle pink salmon with a small amount of lemon juice, then this technique will help preserve its juiciness and give a rich aroma to the fish;
  • frozen pink salmon immediately after purchase must be placed in the freezer or thawed and eaten;
  • if pink salmon is bought chilled, then after purchase it must be frozen or cooked no later than two days later;
  • you can preserve the taste properties of pink salmon in the refrigerator using cotton cloth and salt (the fish should be sprinkled abundantly with coarse salt, wrapped in a cloth, and then put on the top shelf in the refrigerator);
  • salt for storing pink salmon can be replaced with sugar (the taste properties of the fish will not be disturbed, and the sugar will be well washed off with water);
  • you should not wash the fish before freezing (before storing in the refrigerator, pink salmon should also not be washed, but this should be done before cooking if the fish is bought chilled or fresh);
  • chilled pink salmon fillets can be frozen in ice glaze (the fish should be placed in a pan filled with water and placed in the freezer, as soon as the ice layer reaches 5 cm, the workpiece should be transferred to a bag and placed in the freezer).

How much and at what temperature to store pink salmon

If pink salmon was purchased in a vacuum package, then after opening it, the fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than two days. In an unopened container, pink salmon is well stored for the entire period indicated on special labels. The storage period in this case can significantly exceed 2 days and up to two months.

Pink salmon cannot be stored at room temperature, regardless of its type and processing option. Fresh, chilled or frozen fish will quickly deteriorate and develop a characteristic rotten smell. Salted or smoked pink salmon in room conditions will become slippery and lose its taste. In addition, such pink salmon can quickly crust over and dry out.

How much pink salmon is stored:

  • the optimal storage conditions for pink salmon are considered to be a temperature slightly below 0 degrees (the shelf life will be 2-3 days);
  • at subzero temperatures in the freezer, pink salmon can be stored for 7-10 months (repeated frosts must be completely excluded);
  • at room temperature, pink salmon can be kept for no more than 2 hours;
  • pink salmon can be stored in ice glaze for 1 month (after this period, the taste of the fish will begin to be disturbed and it will become dry);
  • if you rub the pink salmon with salt and freeze, then it can be stored in the freezer for almost a year.

With the use of additional agents (salt, lemon, cloth), pink salmon can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days. In this case, we are talking about chilled fish. If the pink salmon is smoked or salted, then in the first case, subject to the storage rules, it will remain fresh for 1,5-2 months, and in the second version – within a month.

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