How and where to store peaches correctly?
If peaches are not planned to be eaten immediately after their purchase, then it is recommended to purchase fruits without skin damage, characterized by sufficient surface hardness and without broken dents. Peaches with soft skin or dents resulting from improper transportation can be eaten, but they cannot be stored. The way out of this situation can be the preparation of compote or jam, for which such fruits are considered ideal.
The nuances of storing peaches at home:
- peaches cannot be stored in plastic bags (in the absence of oxygen and under the influence of condensate accumulation, the fruits will quickly deteriorate);
- peaches can be stored indoors, in the refrigerator, in basements, cellars and even on the balcony;
- it is recommended to store peaches in paper or paper bags (in this way, peaches are stored in the refrigerator or under room conditions);
- when storing peaches, you should not stack the fruits on top of each other (under such conditions, their shelf life will be reduced);
- if there are a lot of peaches, then it is better to use special fruit boxes with cells for storing them (this design will prevent damage to the fruit under its own weight);
- peaches are often used to accelerate the ripening process of other fruits, but the peaches themselves also become ripe and spoil faster (this nuance must be taken into account when choosing “neighbors” for peaches during storage);
- if the peaches are not ripe, then they should be stored only at room temperature (these fruits will not ripen in the refrigerator, but will start to deteriorate quickly);
- a large number of peaches can be stored in an ordinary box, but the fruits must be sprinkled with sand or wrapped in paper (you can use a regular newspaper or papyrus);
- cut peaches can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen;
- you can freeze peaches not only sliced, but also as a whole (you can even freeze peaches with pits).
If you plan to store peaches in advance for a long time, then you can use a simple but effective method of preparing the fruit. First, the fruit should be kept at room temperature for 3-4 days, and then placed in a box. In the process of laying, the fruits must be sprinkled with sand or wrapped in paper. When kept at room temperature, a certain amount of moisture comes out of the peaches, and when the necessary conditions for further storage are created, the period of their freshness and juiciness will last.
How much and at what temperature to store peaches
At room temperature, ripe peaches can remain fresh for several days. When choosing a storage location, you should choose darkened and as cool places as possible. If the peaches are soft or the first signs of rotting appear on them, then after a while it will begin to rot. A similar situation will happen with beaten fruits.
The optimal temperature regime for storing peaches is considered to be a level of 0 degrees.… This mode is provided in compartments for storing fruit in refrigerators and is created in cellars or basements. The higher the temperature, the less the peaches will retain their freshness. At 0 degrees, the fruits are stored for several weeks, depending on the degree of ripeness.
The difference in shelf life under room conditions and in a peach refrigerator is approximately one week. In the cold, the fruits stay juicy and fresh longer. However, it is necessary to follow the rules for their storage in any case. Peaches can keep fresh for several months only in special warehouses, therefore, immediately after purchasing them, it is necessary to determine the time of fruit consumption and take appropriate measures for their storage.
Cut peaches should only be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, their shelf life will be several days. It can be extended by placing the fruits in a container with a lid. If the peaches have been cut and not eaten within two days, it is best to freeze them, which will extend their shelf life by months.
Peaches are stored frozen for several months.… Beforehand, it is better to sort the fruits in portions. As with any food, peaches cannot be re-frozen. A distinctive feature of this type of fruit is the ability to maintain the structure of the pulp after exposure to low temperatures.