How and where to store mussels correctly?

Mussels belong to the category of products that do not have a long shelf life. The key nuance in this case is the type in which the seafood was purchased. They can be sold fresh, frozen, in shells and without them, as well as in special vacuum packaging. Each option has its own expiration date.

Mussels can only be stored in two ways:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the freezer.

The nuances of storing mussels:

  • fresh mussels should be stored only in the refrigerator (if the mollusks were bought alive, then they will die in 2-3 days, until that moment they must be eaten);
  • if the mussels were bought in a vacuum package, then it is necessary to open it only before cooking the clams (if the mussels are chilled, then they must be stored in the refrigerator, the frozen version – in the freezer, excluding even the slightest defrosting of the product);
  • closed packaging with mussels can be stored for the period specified by the manufacturer, while observing all available recommendations;
  • during storage, live mussels must be pressed with a load (the load should not be too heavy, its main function is to prevent the premature opening of the shells, a regular plate is suitable for this purpose);
  • live mussels retain their freshness and taste better if sprinkled with ice (they must also be stored in the refrigerator);
  • live mussels during storage can be covered with a damp towel to maintain a sufficient amount of moisture (mussels are laid out on a tray in one layer and covered with a cloth soaked in water);
  • if in the process of storing live mussels, dead individuals become noticeable, then they must be thrown away as soon as possible (otherwise, the rest of the mussels may begin to die at an accelerated rate);
  • it is not recommended to store mussels in water (if seafood comes in contact with ice, then its cubes should be placed next to or on top of the shellfish);
  • frozen mussels should be immediately placed in the freezer for further storage or eaten (after thawing, seafood should never be re-frozen);
  • mussels contain an increased amount of protein, so they deteriorate quickly (mussels should only be stored in accordance with all recommendations and rules).

If the mussels were bought alive, but they are not planned to be eaten within 2 days, then the mussels can be frozen. To do this, you need to open the shells, remove the meat and put it in a container. If there is not enough liquid in the container, then you can add plain water. The container must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in the freezer. In this form, mussels can be stored for no longer than 2 months.

How much and at what temperature to store mussels

Keep fresh mussels in the refrigerator. The temperature regime should be in the range of no higher than +7 degrees. You can place seafood on any shelf, but it is better to choose cooler areas. Under these conditions, the shellfish will remain fresh and live for 2-3 days. Mussels that are placed in the refrigerator for defrosting will have a similar shelf life.

When freezing, the temperature regime directly affects the shelf life of the mussels.:

  • if the temperature is from -10 to -12 degrees, then the mollusks will not lose their taste characteristics within 14 days;
  • at a temperature of -18, mussels in shells can be stored for 3 weeks;
  • mussels without shells at temperatures below -18 degrees will remain fresh for 1-2 months;
  • during shock freezing, mussels are stored for several months (it is very difficult to create such temperature regimes at home, therefore this indicator applies only to outlets selling seafood).

Mussels extracted from shells are best eaten on the day of purchase. If seafood was bought in the form of preserves with marinade, then they can be stored for the period recommended by the manufacturer. However, after opening the container or packaging, it is not recommended to store them. The maximum shelf life is 2 days. The same goes for salads with mussels. Shellfish belong to the category of perishable foods, so in a day the dish will start to deteriorate and it will become dangerous to eat it.

Rules for choosing mussels

How and where to store mussels correctly?

When buying live mussels, you need to pay attention to whether the mollusk is dead in the middle of the valves. A living being, after lightly tapping on the shell, will quickly close it.

If the mussel is of high quality, then its surface should shine and be without damage. Fully opened valves indicate that there is a dead mollusk inside, that is, it is not suitable for consumption. Dead individuals can also be in closed shells if they are clogged with sand or silt.

Some consumers, when buying mussels, shake the shell, they are sure that when there is a living being inside, then there should be no sound. But experts recommend not to trust this method of verification.

It is right to smell the mussels: fresh ones give off a faint marine aroma, and in already standing clams the smell is sharp and unpleasant.

How to keep mussels fresh

The optimal temperature for storing such seafood is considered to be a thermometer indicator that does not exceed +7 ° С. It cannot be stored for more than 3 days. During this time, mussels can easily die. The most correct decision would be to use them immediately after purchase: after all, it is impossible to know for sure where, how much and under what conditions they were stored before the acquisition.

If the mussels were taken out of the freezer and left in the refrigerator, they should also be stored for no longer than 3 days. If you want to extend the shelf life of such a seafood for a maximum of another 2 days, then you need to place it on ice fragments and fill them with mussels on top. They are best left in a colander stored in a deep bowl. Then the mussels will not be in the thawed water.

With a daily inspection of chilled mussels, it is necessary to calculate: are there any dead specimens, such seafood should be thrown away immediately so that the rest do not deteriorate.

It is also allowed to store (no longer than a day) live mussels in cold water. But this method is not as reliable as the previous one.

How to store mussels without shells

Fresh shellfish meat purchased without shells should be consumed immediately. You can keep such seafood in the freezer in a suitable condition for as long as indicated by the manufacturers on the container.

Pickled mussels

How and where to store mussels correctly?

Such preserves are allowed to be stored no longer than 2 days after opening. Mussels in an open container should “float” in oil, so you can add regular sunflower or olive oil. Salads with pickled mussels should be eaten in a day.

Boiled mussels

Cooked frozen clams are stored for quite a long time. At the same time, without losing nutritional value and taste. Some housewives cook themselves (with the addition of all the necessary ingredients), and then freeze the mussels. Only dry seafood should be placed in the freezer (to do this, they should be thoroughly wiped with kitchen napkins). They can be stored up to 3 months. Re-freezing doesn’t make sense. After such a process, the mussels will lose their taste.

In no case should you eat expired mussels, the product is expensive, but health is much more valuable.

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