How and where to store lentils correctly?

How and where to store lentils correctly?

How and where to store lentils correctly?

When stored properly, lentils can last long enough. The main distinguishing feature of these seeds is the ability to absorb moisture. That is why it is not recommended to place purchased lentils in glass jars, plastic bags or other containers in which condensation can accumulate.

The nuances of storing lentils:

  • store lentils only in a dark place that is regularly ventilated;
  • direct exposure to sunlight can dry out lentils to a large extent or cause mold;
  • with high humidity, lentils can deteriorate within a week;
  • it is necessary to store lentils only in a dry state (moisture can cause not only rotting, but also the oxidation of seeds, due to which a characteristic odor and plaque will appear);
  • it is impossible to store lentils near heat sources (high humidity and high temperatures become the main reasons for the onset of its decay process);
  • for storing lentils, cardboard boxes or cloth bags should be used (storage of grains in canvas bags is considered ideal);
  • the container for storing lentils must be airtight (plastic bags, glass containers, as well as some types of closed containers are not suitable for this role);
  • if the lentils become tarnished, then this is a sign of loss of taste (such lentils are edible, but due to a change in the structure, it will take much longer to cook);
  • only boiled lentils can be stored in containers (and only in the refrigerator);
  • if during storage of lentils a plaque or signs of decay appeared on it, then it should not be eaten (washing the grains will not relieve them of the presence of harmful bacteria).

When storing lentils, do not mix long-purchased grains and recently purchased seeds. Despite the same appearance and variety, such lentils will differ in consistency and quality. When stored at home, the moisture quickly evaporates from the beans and they become drier. If you mix old and new lentils, then during the cooking process they will cook unevenly, which can disrupt the structure and taste of the final dish.

You cannot store lentils if:

  • there are foreign odors (dampness, rot, etc.);
  • seeds stuck together (a sign of high humidity during storage);
  • a bloom appeared on the seeds.

If such signs are detected, lentils must be disposed of. In no case should you eat expired or spoiled seeds. This will cause significant harm to health.

How much to store lentils

If stored properly, lentils can be stored for up to one year. On average, this figure is approximately 10 months. After this time, the lentils remain edible, but they will take longer to cook and will be coarser and more rigid in structure.

Manufacturers indicate different shelf life on packages of lentils. The buyer cannot determine when the grains were harvested. The difference between picking and packaging lentils is never indicated on the labels. Because of this nuance, it is recommended to store seeds for 6 months, and after this period, treat them with caution and carefully examine them before use.

The nuances of storing boiled lentils:

  • boiled lentils should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 6 days (it is better to eat them within 3-4 days);
  • boiled lentils can be frozen, then their shelf life will increase to 6 months (after thawing, lentils may change their consistency, but the taste will remain the same).

The shelf life of lentils differs in duration, but do not forget about one nuance. The longer this product is stored, the more dry it becomes. The difference between recently purchased grains and those that have been kept at home for several months is sometimes very significant.

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