How and where to store hazelnuts correctly?
Hazelnuts belong to the category of nuts with the longest shelf life. Under the right conditions, the kernels can maintain their quality for several years. However, in this case we are talking about the hazelnuts in the shell. Peeled nuts are stored less and at the same time imply some nuances regarding the correct choice of container and place of their placement.
The nuances of storing hazelnuts at home:
- peeled, salted or fried hazelnuts, as well as nuts in a sweet glaze, are not recommended to be stored for a long time (heat treatment and additional ingredients will significantly reduce the shelf life);
- it is better to store hazelnuts in containers with lids (plastic bags are not suitable for this because of the risk of condensation during temperature changes);
- before storage, the hazelnuts must be carefully sorted out (nuts with holes in the shell, damaged shell and darkened surface must be removed);
- peeled hazelnuts well absorb foreign odors, therefore, when an unpleasant aroma appears, the taste properties of nuts will be violated;
- you can store hazelnuts not only in containers with lids, but also in ordinary glass jars;
- moisture quickly becomes the cause of mold, therefore, before storing hazelnuts, you must carefully check the dryness of the containers and the kernels themselves;
- fabric will help preserve the taste of hazelnuts (you can make homemade bags from fabric that allows air to pass through);
- it is necessary to store hazelnuts only in dark places with the lowest possible temperature regime;
- during storage, hazelnuts can be placed in a refrigerator or even a freezer (most often this method is used to store shelled kernels, but unpeeled hazelnuts also retain their taste characteristics longer thanks to this method);
- peeled hazelnuts should have a characteristic nutty aroma (if notes of bitterness appear, then the nuts have deteriorated and cannot be eaten);
- it is not recommended to store hazelnuts in the same container with other types of nuts (in addition, you should not mix hazelnuts purchased at different times);
- after opening the package with hazelnuts, the nuts must be transferred to a new container (in an open bag they can deteriorate within a few weeks, and their taste will differ in bitterness);
- if the slightest signs of mold appear, it is necessary to get rid of the nuts (washing will not save the kernels, and their taste will be bitter and can cause serious eating disorders);
- place containers with hazelnuts as far as possible from heat sources (you cannot store nuts in cabinets above a gas stove or near heating appliances);
- from a lack of oxygen, hazelnuts quickly deteriorate, therefore, when choosing a container or fabric bag, it is better to give preference to the second option.
It is better to choose containers for storing hazelnuts from ceramics or glass. In plastic containers, nuts are stored less. In addition, the bitter odor appears rather quickly, which causes a change in taste, a sign of the approaching process of oil release and the corresponding formation of mold.
How much and at what temperature can hazelnuts be stored
The storage temperature of the hazelnuts is just as important as the capacity. If the air humidity is within 12-14 degrees, then at a temperature of 3 to 12 degrees, hazelnuts will be stored for a year, and from 0 to 3 degrees – for several years. In this case, the nuts must be in the shell.
Peeled hazelnuts are stored less. The shelf life is several months. Moreover, it is not recommended to store hazelnuts subjected to heat treatment for a long time. A similar situation is observed with nuts that are mixed with salt or sugar. It is best to eat such hazelnuts as early as possible.
Hazelnuts in the package can be stored for the period indicated on it. If the bag is transparent, transfer the nuts to a container. Otherwise, their flavoring properties will quickly deteriorate, even under the right conditions and sufficient temperature conditions.