How and where to store bell peppers correctly?
The terms and methods of storing bell peppers depend on whether the vegetable was grown independently or bought in a store. The second option is stored a little less. In addition, pepper can be stored unripe, then the period is increased to a large extent.
The nuances of storing bell peppers at home:
- you can store only bell pepper without mechanical damage, cracks, signs of decay or infection with diseases;
- during storage, bell peppers must be regularly inspected (vegetables with the slightest spots or other visual changes must be set aside from the total mass);
- unripe peppers should not be stored in the refrigerator (under the influence of low temperatures, the vegetable will begin to deteriorate, and the ripening process will not take place);
- ripe bell peppers are mono not only placed in the refrigerator, but also frozen (in large quantities, vegetables can be placed in basements);
- it is not recommended to store peppers in the refrigerator open (each vegetable must be wrapped in paper, excluding its contact with other fruits);
- if the surface of the bell pepper began to wrinkle during storage, then there will be much less juice in its pulp (such pepper is suitable for eating only as canned, dried or as additional ingredients to the first or second courses);
- it is necessary to store bell peppers of varying degrees of maturity with caution (such vegetables can only be mixed if it is planned to accelerate their ripening);
- in the refrigerator, bell peppers should be placed in special compartments for vegetables (if there is a lot of peppers, then it is better to choose other cool places for storing it);
- the paper wrapping method should also be used when storing bell peppers in boxes;
- for a long time, pepper can retain its freshness in cool places (cellar, basement, pantry or balcony);
- with excessive light or exposure to sunlight, bell peppers may begin to rot (first, blackouts appear on the surface of the pepper, which gradually become soft and turn into rotten areas);
- if the core is extracted from the pepper, the vegetable is cut or has mechanical damage, then it should only be stored in the refrigerator (if you do not plan to eat such pepper in the near future, then it is better to freeze it in plastic bags);
- if bell peppers are stored in the refrigerator using plastic bags, then holes must first be made in them for ventilation (cling film is more suitable, which fits snugly to the surface of the vegetable and eliminates the formation of condensation);
- if you rub the surface of bell pepper with a small amount of vegetable oil, then it will remain elastic and fresh longer (such pepper should be stored only in the refrigerator);
- when storing bell peppers in boxes, it is better to sprinkle the fruits with sawdust or sand (paper can also be used as an addition);
- chopped bell peppers are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 6-7 days;
- bell peppers can be dried (first, cores and seeds are extracted from vegetables, then they are cut into cubes or strips, after which they are dried in the oven for several hours at a temperature of approximately 40-50 degrees);
- if the surface of the bell pepper begins to wrinkle, then it should be eaten as soon as possible (such pepper can still be frozen or dried, but if kept fresh, it will quickly start to rot).
How much and where can you store bell peppers
On average, ripe bell peppers have a shelf life of 5-6 months. The main conditions in this case are air humidity no more than 90% and temperature no higher than +2 degrees. The higher the temperature, the less bell peppers will retain their freshness.
Bell peppers can be stored frozen for longer than 6 months. After this period, the consistency of the vegetable will begin to change and after thawing it may become too soft. In the refrigerator, ripe bell peppers keep well for several weeks, but no longer than 2-3 months.
Unripe bell peppers can be stored at room temperature only if they are as far away from light and heat sources as possible. The shelf life can range from several weeks to several months. It is better not to store ripe bell peppers at room temperature. Otherwise, it will quickly deteriorate or begin to acquire a wrinkled skin structure.