How and where to store avocados correctly?

How and where to store avocados correctly?

How and where to store avocados correctly?

The storage process for avocados differs depending on the condition of the fruit. Unripe fruits are stored in accordance with some rules, ripe ones – with others, and sliced ​​- with third ones. Despite the fact that avocados are classified as perishable fruits, their shelf life can be extended by following the recommendations.

The nuances of storing avocados:

  • unripe avocados can be stored at room temperature (the ripening process in the refrigerator will not start, and the shelf life of unripe fruit at room temperature has its own nuances);
  • unripe avocados cannot be stored in the refrigerator (the fruits will not only not ripen, but will also deteriorate);
  • due to the rapid oxidation process, the sliced ​​avocados turn brown; to avoid this, you can lightly sprinkle the pulp with a little lemon juice (or lime) and put the fruit in the refrigerator;
  • if the avocado is cut into two parts, then after smearing the pulp with lemon juice, they must be connected and pressed against each other as much as possible (thanks to this trick, the oxidation process will significantly slow down);
  • if you limit the amount of oxygen supplied to the avocado, then you can extend its shelf life (for this you can use cling film or containers with lids);
  • keep cut and ripe avocados only in the refrigerator (contact with other fruits or food must be completely excluded);
  • in the refrigerator, avocados should be stored as close as possible to the back wall (to ensure a lower storage temperature);
  • avocados can be stored at room temperature, chilled and frozen (regardless of the degree of ripeness of the fruit);
  • an avocado with a seed, even when cut, is stored longer than without it (the seed closes the fibers inside the fruit and slows down the process of its oxidation).

If the avocado is not planned to be eaten immediately after purchase, then washing the fruit before storage is not recommended… Due to contact with liquid, the period of its freshness will be reduced several times. Melted wax can be used to preserve the appearance of the fruit. Lightly rub the avocado skin with paraffin and store it in accordance with general rules. Wax is very difficult to wash off, but it will be completely removed by peeling off the rind.

Where and how much to store avocados

The shelf life of unripe avocados may vary depending on conditions.… At room temperature, when opened, the fruit can retain its freshness for 7 days (after this period it will become ripe and can be stored either for 2 days in the same conditions, or in the refrigerator). If you put an unripe avocado in a paper bag, then its shelf life will be reduced, and it will become ripe in a maximum of 5 days. If you put a ripe apple in a bag with avocado, then the fruit will mature for 2-3 days. If you plan to store the avocado for as long as possible, then it is better not to use additional means of accelerating ripening and just leave the fruit in a dark and cool enough place for at least a week.

The ideal storage temperature for avocados, regardless of their degree of maturity, is considered to be from +18 to +24 degrees (the usual temperature regime in a dark place in an apartment). The shelf life is on average 10-14 days. The cut fruit can be stored, depending on the degree of ripeness, up to 6 days (the oxidation process begins earlier than the full ripeness of the fruit).

If the avocado is frozen, then its shelf life will be several months.… Before placing in the freezer from the fruit, you must remove the skin and remove the bone. The sliced ​​fruit is placed in a container, bag or plastic wrap. Do not defrost and freeze avocados again. The first defrosting will begin the oxidation process, and re-placing it in the freezer will ruin the taste and consistency of the pulp.

When storing avocados, the degree of ripeness should be checked regularly. If the fruit has become soft, then it must be eaten urgently. Otherwise, the fruit will spoil and rot. Allowing avocados to wilt is also not recommended. If the skin has become wrinkled, then the storage conditions were not followed correctly.

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