How and where to store apricots correctly?

How and where to store apricots correctly?

How and where to store apricots correctly?

When stored improperly, apricots quickly lose moisture and become less juicy. In addition, if the transportation conditions and temperature conditions are not observed, these fruits deteriorate within a short period of time. During storage, apricots can become infected with diseases and become unfit for human consumption.

The nuances of storing apricots:

  • for long-term storage, only apricots with a hard surface are used (outwardly they may seem unripe);
  • on the surface of apricots there should be no stains of unknown origin, no damage, no traces of parasite damage;
  • the shelf life of apricots can be influenced by their variety and growing conditions (compliance with the rules for harvesting fruits is also of particular importance);
  • if there are a lot of apricots, then they are stored in wooden boxes, while each fruit is recommended to be wrapped in parchment paper;
  • instead of receiving with paper, you can use special mesh boxes that allow you to place fruits at a distance from each other;
  • it is not recommended to store apricots “in bulk” (the shelf life in this case will be significantly reduced, and it will be extremely difficult to inspect the fruits);
  • you can store apricots not only fresh, but also frozen, dried or dried;
  • it is recommended to store apricots in the refrigerator only if the fruits are overripe or absolutely ripe (such apricots cannot be stored in room conditions, and in the cold they will retain their juiciness and freshness for some time);
  • it is not recommended to pack apricots in polyethylene (it is better to use thin paper or paper bags);
  • apricots can ripen only at temperatures ranging from +10 to +15 degrees;
  • in the refrigerator, apricots can be stored in an airtight container, for example, in a container with a lid;
  • you can store apricots in mashed form (the container with mashed potatoes must be placed in the refrigerator);
  • cut apricots or pitted fruits should be stored exclusively in the cold (a container can be used as a storage container, the fruits must be consumed within a few days or frozen).

How much and at what temperature to store apricots

The main nuance of preserving the freshness of apricots is compliance with the required temperature conditions. If the temperature is above +10 degrees, then the fruits will begin to ripen at an accelerated pace. For unripe apricots, such conditions are optimal, but ripe fruits will quickly deteriorate under this mode.

The optimal shelf life for apricots is 3 weeks. After that period of time, the fruit may become loose and lose its flavor. The storage time depends on the variety of apricots, but three weeks is standard. Late varieties last longer.

The optimal storage temperature for apricots is considered to be 0 degrees and air humidity from 90 to 95%. This mode is typical for cellars and basements, but you can create it at home. The shelf life of apricots in this case will be on average 30-50 days.

In the refrigerator (in the fruit compartment), the apricots remain fresh for 10 days. Longer exposure to cold disrupts the structure of the fruit pulp and makes it friable and fibrous. Do not store unripe apricots in the refrigerator. The ripening process in the cold will not start, and the fruits will quickly change their shape, their surface will become wrinkled, and the pulp will begin to rot from the inside. In containers, apricots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Frozen apricots do not lose their aroma and rich taste, but after defrosting they become soft… In the freezer, fruits can be stored whole or pitted, divided into two parts. The shelf life in this case will be more than 6 months. Do not re-freeze apricots. Otherwise, when defrosting, they will acquire the consistency of porridge and will be practically unusable.

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