How and where to store apples?
The shelf life of apples depends on many nuances. An important role is played by the variety of fruits, the correctness of their collection, as well as sorting. When buying apples, it is impossible to know how they were harvested, therefore, in order to store them, it is important to determine the variety and create the necessary conditions.
Apples can be stored:
- in room conditions (but in dark and cool areas);
- in a refrigerator;
- on the balcony.
Apple storage rules:
- it is necessary to wash apples before eating (washed apples are stored less);
- ripe apples should be stored separately from unripe or overripe apples (sorting apples is a mandatory stage in their storage);
- store apples in cardboard boxes, wooden boxes or baskets;
- if you plan to store a small amount of apples, then you can wrap each of them with paper (polyethylene or cling film is also used to store apples, but it is imperative to exclude air from entering them);
- you can extend the shelf life of apples using sawdust, tree foliage or onion husks (such mixtures are used to spill the space between fruits);
- damage directly affects the shelf life of apples, so such fruits should be eaten first;
- apples with stalks are stored longer than without them;
- it is better not to store apples of different varieties in close proximity to each other (storage periods differ for different species, and a spoiled apple will speed up the process of rotting of the rest of the fruits);
- during the storage of apples, sharp temperature changes must be excluded (for example, you cannot put apples in the refrigerator, then leave them in room conditions and return them to the cold again);
- apples are often used to accelerate the ripening of other fruits, so they must be stored in isolation;
- if the container in which the apples are stored is greased with a small amount of glycerin, then their shelf life will last;
- in the refrigerator, the apples should be stored in the fruit compartment.
In an apartment, it is better to store apples in the coolest place. These fruits ideally keep freshness in cellars, which can be replaced with balconies or storage rooms in an apartment environment. If you cover the surface of the apple with melted wax, then its shelf life will increase (only such fruit will have to be consumed after cleaning, the wax is difficult to wash).
Shelf life of apples
First of all, the shelf life of apples depends on the variety, and secondly, on the conditions created. The optimal temperature indicator is considered to be a level from +1 to +5 degrees. At the same time, the air humidity should not exceed 95%.
Shelf life of apples, depending on the variety:
- winter varieties are stored for 7 months;
- autumn varieties retain their freshness for 2 months.
Apples will stay fresh for several months if their storage temperature is stable and at -1- + 1 degrees.
The sliced apple can be stored for a maximum of 12 hours in the refrigerator.… In room conditions, it will acquire a weathered and darkened pulp within a few hours. You can extend the shelf life of a sliced apple by using a pre-drilled plastic bag. The workpiece is placed in the refrigerator and may not lose its appearance throughout the day.
The degree of ripeness also affects the shelf life of apples.… Unripe fruits will last for several months at the right temperature, and ripe fruits can start to deteriorate within a few weeks. At a temperature of +12 degrees and above, any apples begin to wrinkle and dry out. If the surface of the fruit is covered with wrinkles, then its taste has already been violated and the apple is rapidly losing its juiciness.