Where to take the old refrigerator if you buy a more modern model? Throw it in a landfill? Not so easy, you can get fined for it. By law, large equipment must be disposed of properly. How to get rid of an unnecessary unit to your advantage, you will learn below.
We do not buy! We have only collected the best tips from masters and users.
How to dispose of an unwanted refrigerator
The technique has already outlived its usefulness, and you need to make room for a new purchase. But where to put the old refrigerator? It also needs to be disposed of properly.
By law, you cannot just throw it on the site and leave it until the garbage collectors arrive. For such an approach, you can get a fine of 2000 to 5000 rubles.
The thing is that the refrigerant freon gas, which is in the system, begins to decompose under the influence of sunlight and negatively affects the ozone layer of the planet. Therefore, experts do the work like this:
- They accept technology.
- Freon is pumped out of the circuit.
- Dismantled and sorted for parts.
- The body and metal elements are pressed.
- Send them for processing.
The recovered refrigerant can be reused or sealed and stored.
In some HOAs, employees negotiate with residents to install containers for bulky products or take out equipment according to an agreed schedule. In this case, you need to contact the HOA to take out the refrigerator.
There are also “pitfalls” here. If you live in a multi-storey building, the equipment must be taken outside for removal. Is there only a passenger elevator in the building? The refrigerator won’t fit in.
In order to come to you and take the device for disposal, you will have to pay from 2000 rubles.
Isn’t it easier to place an ad “I’ll give it away”? Then the phone will be torn from calls. In newspapers and on websites you will find hundreds of ads “Free removal of unnecessary equipment” or “Buying up refrigerators for spare parts”.
Where is the best place to donate a refrigerator?
In large stores, you can get into the action “Exchange your old device for a new one with a surcharge.” It’s a pretty profitable investment. But if there is no time to wait for an exchange for money, then you can sell a working refrigerator on Avito.
Seasonality should be taken into account. In the warm season, it is easier to sell a refrigerator to summer residents or animal shelters. With the onset of a cold snap, few will be interested in the offer.
Specify in the announcement about self-delivery. Then the removal and loading of equipment is carried out by the buyer.
If you like DIY, then you can make a lot of useful things from an old refrigerator.
What can be done from the refrigerator with your own hands
In this section, you will learn how you can update and reuse it.
Puzzling over where to fit unnecessary equipment? Make a smokehouse with your own hands. To do this, remove all plastic elements from the chamber and make a hole for the pipe in the bottom. Holes can be made inside the chamber for installing gratings and hooks. Place the body a little higher than the firebox: so the smoke will quickly enter the smokehouse through the pipe.
The use of technology is not limited to food storage. To create an incubator, you need to remove all the internal “stuffing” of the compartment, even the ledges for the shelves. If you plan to lay more than 50 eggs, then it is better to install a fan on the back wall to dissipate heat. A thermometer is installed at the top. Install a tubular heater near the fan. For convenience, pass a lamp into the chamber.
Greenhouse or mini-greenhouse
Place the case on the wooden stands. In autumn, put humus, manure, sprinkled with earth inside. Close the doors for the winter. And in early spring, pour hot water on the ground, sow the seeds and cover with glass. Additionally, you can insulate with a film. You can sow cabbage for seedlings or greens for the whole season.
Also, fishermen make boxes for equipment from parts of the refrigerator. You can use the camera to store tools, bird food. Thanks to the tight closing of the door, the mice will not get inside. To store vegetables, it is enough to dig the unit into the ground. See the video for more on this:
Unusual ideas from users:
- Sofa. It turns out that you can combine the seat from BMW with the refrigerator body.
- Pantry for products from the door with shelves.
- Home for a homeless dog.
- Box for storage of soft drinks.
Therefore, if you can’t hand over the old equipment, turn on your imagination. You can breathe new life into unwanted appliances.
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