How and what to measure the temperature: we figure it out once and for all

The doctor answered the most frequent question.

How to correctly measure the temperature with a mercury, electronic and infrared thermometer

Temperature measurement is a very important procedure, as this indicator reflects the state of health. However, this action has a number of features, because if you make a mistake at least a degree, you can incorrectly prescribe treatment and further aggravate the condition. Mariyat Mukhina, doctor of medical sciences, therapist, dermatologist, nutritionist, founder of the federal clinic “Origitea”, told the readers of how to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer, whether it is harmful and how long it will take to obtain accurate data.

When human health is at stake, there should be no errors. Now there are many different devices for measuring temperature, but what could be more reliable than the good old mercury thermometer found in every home.

The main rules for measuring temperature

1. Before installing the thermometer, it must be shaken at a safe distance from any objects on which it may hit. The mark should drop to 35 degrees or less.

2. Armpit insertion takes place so that the tip is in full contact with the skin. After the measurement, the thermometer should be disinfected, as bacteria can be secreted through the sweat glands.

3. To obtain accurate information about the number of degrees in the body, you must hold a thermometer at least five minutes… Ten minutes maximum. To make sure that the measurements are accurate, the first intermediate time you need to check the thermometer after five minutes, then continue to measure, making sure that the device is standing correctly and the temperature has risen from the initial mark, then hold it for the same amount, and only after the entire time has elapsed, evaluate the result.

“Overexposing” is impossible, the temperature will not rise above the real value, even if you keep it for a very long time.

Many people do not like to wait a long time for the results of the readings of a mercury thermometer and use other types of temperature measurement. However, you should not always trust them, as the values ​​may not be accurate enough. So, for example, an infrared device can show different values ​​in different parts of the body, especially if some limb is frozen or, conversely, in contact with something hot.

Other ways to measure temperature:

  • Rectal thermometer. This method is the most effective, since there is a closed space in the rectum and a stable temperature. For this method, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with cream. In this case, it is better to use electronic thermometers, as they are usually waterproof and show results faster, causing less discomfort.

  • Oral thermometer. For this method, you need to put a thermometer under your tongue or cheek, close your lips and breathe through your nose.

The harm of a mercury thermometer

The device itself does not pose a danger to humans, but mercury can cause considerable harm, sometimes even to death. In fact, it is not the mercury itself that is dangerous, but the vapors that it evaporates. Its substances spread at temperatures from 18 degrees. A couple of breaths of air are enough to get poisoned. First of all, the kidneys, liver and brain are affected. The metal contained in mercury is not excreted from the body (up to 80%).

What if the thermometer is broken?

  1. Reduce the room temperature. Open the windows (it is advisable to keep them in this position for a couple of days), shut off the batteries.

  2. Collect the mercury. This is best done with thick rubber gloves and in good light. Drops of a hazardous substance must be collected with a syringe and adhesive tape in a pre-prepared container or glass jar filled with water.

  3. Disinfect the place. To do this, use whiteness (1 to 8), leave for 15-20 minutes, then wipe all surfaces with water.

To avoid such incidents init is important to observe safety precautions: keep the device out of the reach of children, do not heat with hot, electric objects or open flames, store in a special case.

Which thermometer should you choose?

Mercury thermometer

Pros: low price, easy to use, wide range of uses.

Cons: poisonous (due to the presence of mercury), fragile, shows the result for a long time.

Electronic thermometer

Pros: quick result (1-5 minutes), sound notifications, the ability to save the last result.

Cons: low accuracy, high price.

Infrared thermometer

Pros: ease of use, fast results (about 1 second).

Cons: high probability of error and high price, small range of use (measurement only on the forehead, in the auricle and on the temples).

For an adult a classic mercury thermometer is best suited, since its result is the most accurate, but it is quite dangerous to use it to measure temperature for a child, therefore for the younger generation electronic thermometers are recommended.

The choice of a thermometer is an individual decision, but it is worth remembering that this device must be in the house, because an elevated body temperature always speaks of health problems, and its size will be decisive in the selection of treatment.

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