How and what to eat for the New Year to lose weight

And it is possible!

Every year we await the New Year with trepidation, we go on diets to fit into our chosen dress, and when the holidays begin, we forget about our figure and eat everything. Of course, after such a vacation, we see a not very pleasant figure on the scales. How to make sure that you do not gain extra pounds during the holidays, experts say.

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports dietetics, expert nutritionist of the X-fit fitness club chain.

 – In order not to gain weight on New Year’s holidays, when there are so many temptations, you need to develop healthy eating habits. Since today only one diet has been adopted, which has gained worldwide popularity and has proven undeniable effectiveness. This is a healthy diet as a way of life.

В the first place we need to give up all restrictive diets, such as cucumber, banana, buckwheat, and the like. After such diets, body weight, of course, decreases, but immediately returns with a plus as soon as the diet ends.

Secondly, training, training and training again. I recommend movement – dancing on New Year’s Eve, skiing and snowboarding, ice skating, and even walking in the fresh air. All this will help stabilize weight during the holidays and even lose it a little.


  • An abundance of vegetables every day saves the day. So there will be no reason to eat more mayonnaise salad, because your plate with a slide is filled with vegetables.

  • Water is the best drink. Make sure that water is always at hand. This drink is much better than juices. If you want variety, this is water with lemon wedges and mint leaves.

  • Fish instead of meat. This is a fundamental principle of both healthy eating and eating. Of course, both 1 gram of fat from meat and fat from fish contains the same amount of calories, but the latter at least contains essential fatty acids for the body.

  • Canapes instead of traditional sausage and cheese sandwiches. The pleasure is the same, but the portion is several times smaller.

  •  Leafy salads with a light citrus dressing instead of mayonnaise salads.

  •  Side dishes with green vegetables instead of French fries.

– First of all, the most important thing is to maintain the balance of what you eat, because if you feel that your stomach is already full, you should not bring it to a state of heaviness and overcrowding. If you ate normally before the New Year, and ate well on a festive night, then this is stress for the body in any case.

So, what can you eat without really limiting yourself, and at the same time not suffer from unpleasant consequences, including extra pounds?

  • Vegetable and fruit salads.

It is enough to eat a vegetable salad. I would not recommend leaning on everyone’s favorite salad with mayonnaise, as well as other fatty sour cream and mayonnaise salads. First, this food is not easy to digest, which means that an overload of the body will occur. Secondly, fatty foods do not have the best effect on the liver, the organ on which our well-being and excellent appearance largely depends.

  • Charlotte.

For sweets, fruit salad, low-fat fruit cake, charlotte are suitable. I also do not recommend abusing alcohol and an excess of green tea, because New Year’s Eve is still night, which means that we are already exposing the body to stress by changing the diet schedule and eating from 0: 00-3: 00.

Chef of the restaurants “Technikum” and “Sakhalin”, author of the book “Not boring food”.

– New Year’s table is not a test for the faint of heart: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, “Mimosa”, jellied meat and other pickles. For those who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition, the recipes for the classic Russian-Soviet feast are clearly contraindicated. But how do you want … Therefore, so that the body and soul are in harmony with themselves and winter culinary masterpieces, simple life hacks will come in handy, which will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes and not damage your figure.

Herring under a fur coat or almost without it.

As you know, one of the main ingredients of the traditional New Year’s abundance is mayonnaise. It is he who makes the dish far from a healthy diet. But there are a couple of ways to keep food on the holiday menu and make it lighter at the same time.

  1. Cooking mayonnaise yourself! Personally, I only recognize DIY mayonnaise. In this case, the origin of the ingredients and their quality is a guarantee that the dish will not only be tasty, but also healthy.

    The sauce is based on 400 ml of vegetable oil – olive, mustard, linseed, hemp or any other. Instead of vinegar – lemon or lime juice (1 tablespoon). Two egg yolks, a teaspoon of mustard, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Voila! Bright taste and no forbidden!

  2. If mayonnaise, albeit homemade, is too heavy for you, replace it with curd mousse. For cooking, you will need soft cottage cheese or yogurt with a low fat content (250 g), vegetable oil (1 tbsp), mustard (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp), salt and pepper to taste …

    This version of PPshny sauce is ideally combined with the ingredients of everyone’s favorite herring under a fur coat. 

  3. And one more thing: replace boiled potatoes with grated apple in the salad – there are fewer carbohydrates, and the metabolism will accelerate so that you will definitely not have to do additional squats after the feast, all unnecessary will burn out by itself.

Anna Gerasimenko, Alika Zhukova

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